
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Brave new world

I have been reluctant to set up a blog until now (& still feel a little queasy as I enter this brave new world). Until now, my Internet activity has mostly been on bulletin boards -- some of them private -- and I feel like there is already enough of me out there on the Internet as it is. I've never even looked at Facebook. 

At the same time, I am sad that there are so few voices out there articulating the view of women (& men) who remain childless/free after infertility, & would like to help remedy that. And I wanted to participate in Mel's next book tour. ; ) So here I am. Let's see what happens! I'll think of it as just another road less travelled (by me, anyway...)


  1. I found you through Mel's Lost and Found. And I truly wish I didn't have to welcome you to the Blogging world of and If'er who is living chidless/free. But, as a woman in the same predicament, I'll be reading. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Lori, your blog is as wonderful as I knew it would be. You're doing a fantastic've had me laughing and crying as I read your thoughts. Congrats on setting this up! I'm sure you will reach many who travel that same road as we do. Your words are very comforting.

  3. Holy moley, I didn't put two and two together until now! You are so on my blogroll!

  4. Dianne, thanks, I have read your blog & am glad you're out there!

    Jan, THANKS for coming by -- big (((HUGS)))!!!

    PJ, thanks & lol... I can only hope my blog is half as insightful & intelligent as yours!

  5. I was wondering when we'd celebrate your 10th blogoversary, and now I know!

    Your voice has filled its niche so well over the years.
