
Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy birthday to me : )

Tomorrow is my birthday -- and Aunt Flo has decided to crash my party, argh. She is banging on the door & will be here by tomorrow morning. Oh well. On the bright side, a post I wrote earlier this week about how fertiles have managed to co-opt the term "childless" wound up on Mel's regular Friday Blog Roundup. Could an infertile blogger ask for a nicer present than that??

AF & the sheer numbers that are staring me in the face aside ; ) I can't help but get a little excited about my birthday -- it's that childhood feeling of anticipation and knowing that for this one special day a year, you're at the centre of the universe -- well, at least in the eyes of the people who love you. Not that dh & I usually do anything wildly special for our birthdays these days. We give each other cards & kisses in the morning, & the birthday boy or girl sets the agenda for the day, especially when the birthday falls on a weekend & we don't have to work. As I don't drive, dh has agreed to chauffeur me to do some shopping at my favourite scrapbooking stores tomorrow afternoon (he is not the world's most patient man, but he brings a book & sits in the car and reads while I shop -- how cool is that??), then whisk me away to one of our favourite restaurants for steaks, followed by a browse at our local megabookstore & coffee at Starbucks. And maybe a movie on Sunday afternoon (another favourite thing to do). Not too different from our usual weekend routine, but having a birthday gives me license to abandon the usual Saturday housecleaning, order dessert & maybe even have a drink (which we don't normally do) and give the credit card a workout. ; ) I view such indulgences as some of the perqs of growing older, not to mention being childless.

As I wrote in a post about getting older awhile back, I will be 47 (eek) tomorrow. Everyone says you're only as old as you feel. There are days I feel every second of those 47 years, & days when I really have to remind myself that I'm old enough to be the mother of many of the 20-somethings who work in my office, and not their peer. I don't think I look 47, and I'm usually told I look younger than my age. At our office Christmas party, one of the 20-somethings asked me how long I'd been with the company. I said, "21 years," and her eyes got huge & she said, "Oh my crap." She's probably only about 24 herself. I wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or amused by her reaction. (Someday, you too will be 47, dear.)

Anyway, birthdays only come once a year & I'm determined to make the most of mine! ; ) Even if I am one step further from my prime childbearing years, and one step closer to (eek) 50...!


  1. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you have a wonderful plan for your special day :)

    I have to say you inspired me to go to the same bookstore (though not the same location) a couple of Fridays ago - something I haven't done in ages - and it was fantastic. Thanks for the inspiration!


  2. wishing you a very happy birthday and fantastic celebration! sounds lovely. (I'm a big fan of dessert and a drink on a special night out, and of course the no housework part, and doing whatever I want just because I can once a year..) enjoy! ~luna

  3. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. A day of indulgences -- what could be nicer? xo

  4. Have a wonderful day. I strongly believe one should spoil themself on their birthday!

  5. Ah. I'm late logging on today, but it's still 9pm PST so I'm still technically in the evening of your birthday, which I hope was a VERY happy one. I'm sliding toward 45 this summer so don't take the silly comments of the youngsters too seriously. And we're like a fine wine, we only get better with age! Party on...

  6. Happy belated birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year filled many happy moments!
