
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It could always be worse...

I've always said that -- no matter how much I may whine & complain about my life -- I thank the Powers That Be that I was born a woman at this particular time in history (late 20th century) and in this particular place (Canada), recognizing that the vast majority of the world's female population doesn't have it anywhere near as good as I do.

Granted, it's not fun or easy being childless & infertile -- but, as this article reminds us, those of us fortunate enough to live in North America still have it pretty darned good, all things considered...


  1. loribeth, thanks so much for sharing this excellent article. I was impressed at the depth with which they treat the issue, from cultural, social and practical considerations to environmental toxins that may contribute to infertility. you are such a great source of news!

  2. You are right, it could always be worse, but I found myself nodding in agreement at some of the descriptions in the article. Infertility is a very difficult experience. No matter where you live.

    Thanks for sharing all these great links with us!

  3. Very eye-opening, Lori - thank you for sharing. You are right - we are fortunate, all things considered.

  4. This article really makes me want to reach out and help women in other parts of the world... I wonder how we could do that? Contribute to girls' education? Start some kind of IF exchange program (seriously) where we could meet and talk and share our experiences?

  5. Jeebus, that's sobering isn't it. Not that I'm the life of the party, but at least I'm sometimes invited.

    Reminds me: one of the moms in my old-state playgroup was Iranian. She had lived here a long time and was very Americanized, dressed western, etc. But her SIL was suffering from infertility and was really up against the wall, even though she was living in the states. My friend asked me a lot of questions about it, my doctor, protocol, etc., as well as how to bring it up with her sister, and broach treatment with her. The cultural values thing runs strong no matter where they live, I think.

    Then again, I know a lot of plain ol' 'mericans who had a lot of trouble accepting they needed to go to an RE and try another route.

  6. This is an excellent article, Loribeth. I may have to use this on my blog as well.

    While I am American and do have access to IF treatment ... a lot of the cultural issues that are mentioned in here are EXACTLY what I'm going through as a Filipino American married to another Filipino.

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow, eye opening! There's so much at stake for these women - it's heartbreaking that there only value to their community is as a mother.

  8. What a powerful article. I am so glad you shared it.

    Our clinic is part of a prominent medical school, and a visiting physician from Ghana asked to sit in on my embryo transfer. Of course I said yes. He stood at my side and watched the ultrasound screen and smiled reassuringly at me. His presence was a strong reminder that infertility is a universal experience. How much his own patients must have to contend with!

  9. Thank you for sharing this article. I have pretty much always considered myself very bless to be where and when I was with my fertility issues. I think that some of the stigma in these other countries demonstrates why some of us feel so strongly about "well-known" persons who hide behind half truths and ridiculous rhetoric about their own fertility. I could respect their privacy if they chose not to talk about it at all and said that they chose to keep it private.

    Anyway - not meaning to go off on a tangent there. I still have a lot of pain pills I take.

    I am so sorry I haven't been around so much lately - it's been more difficult getting back on my feet than I thought. I have appreciated greatly all your sweet kind words of support.

    I have your post on the adoption article bookmarked so I can get back to it hopefully soon! I always enjoy your thoughtful posts.

    Getting there . . . :0)

  10. I actually read that article and my sentiments were EXACTLY the same as your own!
