
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Just adopt," indeed....

Also in The Toronto Star earlier this week: a front-page feature article on how international adoptions from many countries are becoming increasingly difficult. The comments section includes some hot debates on all sides of the adoption issue.


  1. Thanks for the links Loribeth, today's and yesterday's...these are great articles.

  2. Don't you know that adoption is easy easy easy! You just go to the baby kennel, pick out what you want, take it for a walk, pay the fee that they call a "donation", sign the papers and walk out the door. Why didn't adoption occur to me before the expensive fertility treatments? Silly me! Silly me! I am feeling more sarcastic than usual tonight.
    Good article though.

  3. You are the best source of news! Thank you for surfacing and sharing these links.

  4. yet another reason why domestic adoption in the US is getting even harder. that and because it's so chic now to be a teenage mom...

  5. Thanks for the links! I've just ordered "Nobody's Mother" for my own huge pile of books-to-read.

    I get so tired of people asking us "so, have you thought about adoption?" like it's something we've never heard of. If more people realized how difficult it is, then I doubt we'd be questioned the way we have been. They think it's so simple and easy ... like buying a new couch or something.
