
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Proud auntie : )

Permit me a proud auntie post! We just found out tonight that our oldest nephew (dh's only brother's oldest son) got accepted into community college! He applied last fall for a general media studies program (to start this fall).

He is 20 & has been working since he graduated from high school (when he was still just 17) -- currently on the night shift at a warehouse for $11 an hour. He's not especially academic minded, but neither is he interested in learning a trade (much to his blue-collar father's dismay). He is actually quite artistically talented, & says he wants to be a film director (!). This was the first real interest that he's shown in going to school (for anything), so we were all hoping & praying he would make the cut.

Dh & I figure that, if he has his heart set on a film career, at least this is a step in the right direction -- & maybe it will open his eyes & his mind to other possibilities. At the very least, he will have some new experiences and meet some new people.

We are planning to help him with his expenses, & will do the same for his younger brother when he finishes high school. They're the only two nephews we have, & nothing would give us greater pleasure than helping them get a good start in their adult life. Obviously, we would likely not be in a position to do so if we had our own children's education to budget for. I consider it another silver lining in the cloud of childless/free living...


  1. Hey, congrats to your nephew, Lori - that is great! And what a wonderful gift of you and your dh to help him out. That is a very special silver lining.

  2. I'm so glad he's decided to explore his horizons a little more. It's especially wonderful that you're able to give him a lift up to do it.

  3. What a wonderful thing to do for them. And these days it sure seems that the best careeers are those that are off the beaten path, the innovative and creative ones, right where your nephew is headed!
    Best of luck to him:)

  4. Good for him! What a great gift to give to your nephews.

  5. You are an amazing aunt- and person.

  6. Here from Mrs.Spit's blog with a Toast for your Toby Award. So well deserved. Best to you and yours, always.

  7. Congrats to your nephew! And good luck with the hot flashes...not fun!
