
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Who knew? It's International Blog Delurking Week! All over the ALI community, bloggers are asking their readers to show themselves, and I'm jumping on the bandwagon. : )

So whether you really are a lurker or a regular reader/commenter here, please de-lurk & say hi! How did you find this blog? & how long have you been reading?


  1. Well this just came through on Readers, so before I clicked off I thought I'd better comment! I don't know how I found your blog, but it was probably through Lost and Found; been reading it on and off for two years, only started commenting now and then a few months ago.

  2. hi!
    I read, but don't comment as often as I should.

  3. Hi there.

    My name is Mrs. Spit, and I have been reading for about 2 years?

  4. Hi! Not sure how I found you, but I've been reading since sometime in '08- I remember when I first found you, you were writing about your pregnancy memories from 10 yrs prior.

  5. Hi, I've been reading your blog for about two years? now, found it through Blog Roll - was looking for Canadian Blogs. Stuck with it because it was so well written.

  6. Not a lurker...but I'll answer anyway.

    I can't even remember how I found you. Mel or Pamela, probably. I've been reading for 2 year, probably? Maybe 3?

    I love your energy, Loribeth.

    (Would love to have your email address, if you are comfortable with that.)

  7. Hi from Amsterdam.
    Think I found you through Stirrup Queens, maybe a year ago or so (around when my IF road started to go awry)

  8. Hello! My name is Jennifer and i live in Minnesota. I don't remember where I came from ... been reading for maybe 6 months now. Just find your perspective interesting. I have a husband and a 4 year old son and a boring job and love to read blogs to pass the time. thanks for asking! (sorry don't have a google account)

  9. Hi. My name is Serenity and I'm a reader!

    I had seen you around the blogosphere for a while, never clicked through until probably about 6 months ago, maybe? Or longer. I honestly don't recall.

    But I read regularly, though I often don't comment.


  10. hihihi, I'm always here, always reading :) Well for the last 2 years at least.

  11. I'm still here too and read all your posts - I'm just not as good about commenting as I once was. I love your blog and appreciate so much that you are writing it and giving voice to those of us who are living childless/childfree after infertility or loss. Thank you!

  12. Hi! I can't remember how I found your blog, but it was after I had a miscarriage in May 2008. It was important to me to find blogs that dealt with all the roads (so to speak!) that pregnancy loss/infertility could take me down. I have been lurker ever since. I enjoy your writing very much, and your posts are always the first ones I go to in my google reader. Your story about Katie and her impact on your life is very moving, and I think about you and your family often.

  13. I found you when you commented on my blog, but I think I had "seen you around" before that. :)

    Hoping to comment more in the future over here.

  14. Hi I have been reading for a few months now. I am a member on IVF connections and you posted your blog over there once. I came over and loved what I read. I remember crying as I was reading some of your posts. I remember thinking that is how I feel.

  15. Hi Loribeth
    I've been reading your blog for 18 mths. I haven't commented before (I don't have a blog myself so no ID – hence anonymous) but I do love to read your blog. I probably found you from a link either on Mel at Stirrup Queens or Pamela Jeanne’s Coming2terms blog. I’d never really thought of myself as a lurker – but seeing you don’t know I’m out there reading I guess I have been. Nice to now say hi and let you know I’m reading.

    As you’d know, there aren’t too many blogs in the IF community from those who are no longer TTC – so I’ve relished your voice and messages. It and you have been enormously helpful to me to hear your story. To know that you were and are able to survive, that it’s “normal” to have good and bad days, and most of all to know it’s possible to shape a full and engaged life without (living) children.

    Thank you so much for sharing! Meg

  16. Lurker-ish type of person-- drive-by commenter is more like it. I read often, but I only fire off comments on rare occasion (lazy kate...).

    Um, I don't remember how I found your blog. It seems like it's been a long, long time now. Probably through LFCA or a blog friend or some other random connection. No idea!

  17. I always read but am guilty of not commenting quite as much!

    I probably found you through Mel, though I don't remember for sure. About two years ago, maybe? I'm feeling very non-committal right now.

    I love your giving spirit. Even though you removed yourself from the horrible dance of IF, you still stayed around to support those still fighting. I admire you for that.

  18. Hi! I've been reading your blog since around May'08 when I had a late m/c. Don't remember how I stumbled across your blog but I've been reading ever since.
    I'm really sorry for your loss and thank you for being there.

  19. I don't remember how i found you, Loribeth.

    I've been blog reading for about a year now, & somehow i found you. In a lot of ways our stories are similar, in others they are not. I always find your posts thoughtful & they resonate with me, but i'm not so good at commenting.

    I think you & Pamela are the only ones i follow that have similar situations to mine.

  20. I have been reading your blog for about a year now. I am a traveling babyloss-momma, currently living in germany.

    And a little birdie (LFCA) twittered me that it's your birthday today. So: Happy Birthday! May the 49 be filled with laughter and love, peace and happiness.

    Keep on writing... I love reading your thoughts. xx

  21. I've only started lurking. I also wanted to thank you for stopping by my place from the Round Up.
