
Saturday, September 11, 2010

30 Posts in 30 Days: Day 11: A photo of you recently

This is me & dh on our recent 25th wedding anniversary, in our hotel room. I took the photo with my camera's self-timer. Not bad, eh? ; )


  1. I love this photo, and the last one, you look beautiful. I really appreciate this project. It is just such an awesome way to get to know you. (Might steal it for my own blog.) It is great to get to know you better, loribeth.

  2. Oh Loribeth, it's so wonderful to put a face to the name and the blog. I understand many like to keep their blogs anonymous and that's fine but a face is great, it somehow makes you words even more personal and have greater meaning.

    You both look so happy and make such a beautiful couple.

    And yes, very impressed with the self timer - never been smart enough to work mine out LOL

  3. Wow what a beautiful photo. You should have that printed into a large photo and matted/framed to hang in your house. It's so warm and romantic and you are both sparkling with love!

  4. You two are utterly SMASHING! What a beautiful couple you make! And dare I say it: you look extremely happy. I'm happy for the both of you -- Happy Anniversary, again!

  5. what a beautiful couple! It's always fun to put faces with bloggers. I always love to read what you write.

  6. Aw. This photo is sweet and beautiful. That blue top looks awesome on you, too. :-)

  7. Ahhh, somehow I knew you looked like that! I just knew it! Your hubby looks so kind, so close to you. So beautiful!

    Okay, I'm way behind on your posts....

  8. Fabulous! What a bonus, we c=get to see the mister too!

  9. I don't know how I missed this! What a great portrait.
