
Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Posts in 30 Days: Day 25: Your day, in great detail

4:53 a.m. Alarm clock rings. Dh hits snooze button.

5:00 a.m. Get up, shower, do hair & skincare routine & head downstairs for breakfast (oatmeal & OJ). Glance at the morning papers while I eat.

6:00 a.m. Finish breakfast, head back upstairs. Brush teeth, make bed, get dressed & put on makeup. Pack up briefcase. Leave the house with dh & drive to the train station. Get on the train to the city. Read papers while dh sleeps. Once in the city, walk through the underground concourse to our office tower. Stop at the Second Cup for tea. Say goodbye to dh before he takes the elevator up to his floor & I to mine.

7:45 a.m. Arrive at my cubicle & unpack briefcase. Fill water bottle at the cooler. Turn on PC & check e-mail. Peek at a few message boards & blogs & sip my tea before starting work.

10:00 a.m. Tea time! I used to go for tea with my officemate/girlfriend -- we'd sit in the food court & talk for a few minutes -- but since she retired four years ago, I just grab a tea & take it back upstairs -- perhaps a stop at the newsstand to buy some mints or check out the new magazines.

12:30ish Lunch (one hour). If it's not too busy, I'll take the full hour & run errands &/or browse in the stores in the underground concourse. Occasionally meet a friend for lunch; otherwise, bring something from the food court back to my desk to eat. (I hate eating in the food court itself -- too crowded & noisy, hard to find a seat.) If it's really busy, I just run downstairs, bring something back up & eat it at my desk while I work.

3:00 p.m. Tea time (again)!

4:30 p.m. Pack up briefcase, turn off computer & desk lights, put on coat (in winter). Meet dh downstairs. Walk through the underground concourse to the train station, head up to the platform & get on the train. Read rest of newspapers &/or a magazine while dh sleeps. Once at the train station, sprint to the car to try to beat the crowd out of the parking lot. Get snarled in traffic while dh grumbles. ; )

5:35-6 p.m. Arrive home (depending on whether we get our usual train, parking lot congestion, traffic, weather, & if we stop at the gas station or supermarket!). Glance at the mail. Go upstairs, change & take off makeup while dh gets dinner started.

6:30-7 p.m. Eat dinner. Get laptop, check e-mail & play on computer for awhile. Read, watch TV, make phone calls, do household chores, etc. etc.

10:00 p.m. Bedtime! Get ready to do it all over again tomorrow…!


  1. You get up at 5am?????5 DAYS A WEEK???? I'd die, seriously. Well, no, that's not true, I did get up at 5am for a while. But I very, very sleepy. Okay, now I'm guessing you live in Oakville or Burlington and you work in the Scotia Towers. Am I close? You don't have to answer that.

  2. What a life of Riley (not...).

    Thanks for sharing your day!

  3. i was guessing the same thing as the first poster!

  4. Not a bad day for a Thursday!

    I've become quite a tea drinker in the last few months. Especially a nice hot chai on a cold morning.

  5. Still SO FAR BEHIND on blog reading, but loved reading your account of your day. I absolutely could NOT do your commute, though. Wow. The getting up early, sure (I get up at 4:20, 5 days a week). But getting home late (as in, 6 pm or later) always throws me off.
