
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

30 Posts in 30 Days: Day 29: Hopes, dreams & plans for the next 365 days

2010 has been a big year for me, dh & our families -- full of milestones.

In 2011, I have a personal milestone coming up -- & my hope/dream/plan is to celebrate it by taking my very first sunspot vacation sometime in January-February. : )

I hope things at work settle down -- new boss, new organizational structure (just announced) -- although it seems there are always changes happening to stir the pot...!

And I hope we will get more projects done around the house next year than we did in 2010. :p Perhaps the knowledge that we'll be hosting dh's cousins' barbecue in 2012 will be the kick in the rear we need...!


  1. I've always wanted to go to Tahiti, Fiji, Thailand, or someplace just as exotic. What about you?

  2. Jan-Feb is just around the corner!! I love planning vacations. Even if the vacation is months away, just planning one and knowing that it is on its way does wonders for my mood.
