
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Article: "My photos are memorials to lost little lives"

Wonderful article in today's Globe & Mail, written by a photographer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. How I wish they had been around when we had Katie!


  1. Loribeth...I was just going to post the same article on my blog today too! But don't need to. I read it at work (bad idea...especially 34 weeks pg). But was humbled by this lady's work. So incredibly special she is. I too wish you had access to such service to memorialize Katie.

  2. Jennifer of Do I have to be a dink? has just posted photos of her sweet son Gavin, who only lived for an hour. I'm directing you to her post because it's the perfect counterpart to yours --the other point of view. (And also because she could use some words of consolation right now.)

  3. I have tried to leave a comment but none of my IDs seem to be working?? I've heard complaints from a few bloggers that they haven't been able to leave comments lately. Some very weird things going on with Blogger lately. :p
