
Friday, June 29, 2012

End of June odds & ends

  • TGIF!! And it is a long weekend here to boot (Canada Day on Sunday, with the Monday off for most of us). 
  • Three-day work week coming up (which, for dh, will be fairly slow, since the U.S. markets have a big impact on his work & they will be slow or closed for most of those three days).
  • Three-day work week, because we are taking next Friday off. It's our 27th (!) wedding anniversary. Still haven't decided what (if anything) we will do to celebrate, although dinner out is a tradition.
  • I feel like I deserve it, all of it. I am exhausted tonight. It is barely 8 o'clock as I type this, & I can hardly keep my eyes open. :p  The last couple of weeks have kicked my butt (which was already (& still is) sore to begin with after my tumble last week, haha). Aside from that little incident and dealing with Aunt Flo and various other life stresses, I had several major projects converging at the office that had me going nonstop. I swear I set a personal record for e-mails sent and received this past week.
  • It's nice to know when your hard work is recognized, though. We have a section of our weekly team meeting for giving kudos to each other -- and my boss thanked me in front of everyone for all my hard work, & acknowledged that I'd been doing some pretty heavy lifting on some major projects lately. That made me feel good. I am not always very good at accepting compliments, but this time, I felt I had earned it.  
  • I had some other nice things happen this week. On Monday, I learned that my Right Where I Am post was featured in the BlogHer Spotlight!
  • My last post got some really lovely comments (thank you!!) and was featured by Stirrup Queen Mel in her Friday Roundup. Being singled out in Mel's Roundup is like winning an Oscar, in my books. One of these days I want to go back & make a list of my posts that have made the Roundup.
  • Congratulations to my American friends for having your right to affordable health care upheld in court.  Frankly, most Canadians do not understand what the fuss is all about. We love our own version of "Obamacare" & wouldn't trade places. I have tried to bite my cybertongue & refrain from posting too much on the subject on Facebook, since I have a lot of American relatives and not all of us see eye to eye politically. However, I could not resist sharing this hilarious item from Buzzfeed.  I mean, seriously??!! (I guess they're in for a surprise, aren't they?)


  1. Congrats on the feedback at work and on your anniversary!

    Funny how my FB friends who are whining about "Obamacare" (obnoxious name) either work for the federal government or have military insurance...! D. just changed jobs and we had a 1-month gap in health coverage, for which COBRA (extension of old benefits) cost $950 for a single month for our family of four. This on top of a very high-deductible policy.

  2. @Ellen: I know my uncle told my dad he was paying over $1000 a month for coverage for himself & my aunt -- on pension -- & that was over 10 years ago. Those kinds of numbers are just unfathomable to us here. I know quite a few of my mother's cousins who are still working well into their late 60s & 70s because they don't want to lose their benefits.

    I do pay for some medical benefits through our workplace -- it covers prescription drugs, private hospital room & ambulance if needed, etc. -- but it comes right off my cheque & the amount is so negligible in the grand scheme of things that I couldn't even tell you what it was without looking it up.

  3. Congrats!!! Now you deserve being off for a long while! :)

    I know, I have been arguing with people how Obama's health program can benefit everyone, not just the rich. Unfortunately, Romney promises that once he is president, first thing he'd do is to repeal it..I still don' understand, since Reagan, Nixon, some other Republican presidents wanted to set up the system- which happen to be the very SAME... guess it's all subconscious aversion to the fact Obama is a democrat (or in other views, Black, dad's Muslim, etc.) Whatever...
    I like my health insurance, but I do know friends who don't have insurance (either they cannot afford it even with their income, or it's not offered). So it hurt seeing them working when they are sick. :/ So this'd really help!

  4. Blame old age or technological incompetence or simply carelessness, but this will be the third time I've written a response to your post. I hope I actually manage to submit this one!

    What I have been intending to say since Saturday is that I'm very glad you are having a long weekend and short week to relax and rejuvenate, that you'll have a romantic anniversary celebration with your beloved, and that you're getting the recognition you deserve, both professionally, and on-line for your blog. Yay Loribeth!

  5. We were so excited about Obamacare! Glad your blog posts are getting the recognition they so deserve. Since you've been doing this for a while, I'd love to see a "best of" list!
