
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Coming soon(ish?) to a mailbox near you

One of the Christmas traditions that's important to me and that I've continued in the years post loss is sending an annual card. As I've written in past years, my choice of card has taken on added significance in the years since Katie came into our lives. All my cards have been picked with her in mind. Classic Pooh and angels have been recurring themes.

Inevitably, I know "the card" when I first lay eyes on it, & this year was no exception. I did look around a little more, just to see what was out there, but in my heart, I knew. : )  I actually had to send the clerk into the basement storage locker to find the quantity I needed. ; )

Once again this year, my card came from the Papyrus store -- it is called Snow Family. I love the family, and I love how the little snowman is looking straight up into the heavens, at a different angle than his/her mom & dad. 

What do you think?

(Now to find time to write the darn things...)

2010 card was a photo card of me & dh on our 25th wedding anniversary : )


  1. perfect.
    almost makes me wish i celebrated christmas.

  2. I love it. We debated long and hard before doing a photo card this year, and finally decided to do so only because we were going to include Eliza somehow. It's just important that everyone get represented, even if it's in a subtle way.

    Thinking of you, and Katie, this holiday season.

  3. You found the perfect card. It's quiet; like snow falling.

  4. I really love it. It just really seems to fit.

  5. It's beautiful. Especially the little one looking to the heavens. Beautiful.

    It's also funny (for me, down here as summer arrives) to see a snowy Christmas card, and know that it is relevant for you.

    And you're a step ahead of me. I've spent the week organising my mother's Christmas stuff (including cards) so now need to turn my mind to my own.

  6. beautiful.

    Little snowman, looking the way to Sky / to Heaven.

    Kisses for little angel, Katie.

  7. It is quite the perfect card. I finally started photo cards a year ago...of photographs of the parks we visited over the year. I got the idea from a friend who isn't married and doesn't have kids - he always has a card of a photograph he took from the years past.

  8. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Thinking of you this holiday season...

  9. Those are lovely. Thank you for sharing.
