
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saying Goodbye

You may have heard of the wonderful initiative in Britain, "Saying Goodbye," which is organizing memorial services in locations across the United Kingdom for bereaved parents who have lost a baby.

I know I found the annual rituals put on by our support group -- a candlelighting at Christmastime, a summer picnic and butterfly release, and an autumn Walk to Remember and dove release -- so very therapeutic and comforting. I love the idea of memorial services in some of England's beautiful old cathedrals, bringing bereaved parents together to mourn their babies. 

They have produced a sweet little video that has been making the rounds on Facebook: 

Here is an absolutely lovely news item from a recent BBC Radio 4 Women's Hour broadcast about "Saying Goodbye."

I don't often cry over Katie these days (well, not as often as I once did...), but listening to this lovely story had me reaching for the kleenex.

I hope this is an idea that spreads.


  1. I learned about these services about a year ago. And I really wish something like this existed in the US (and if it does, that they were more vocal about it). Too often, those who survive loss suffer in silence. These services allow parents to grieve and say goodbye, promoting healing.

    Thank you for sharing the video and the link.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this. I really do wish services like this were more available to more people, but this is a good starting point, and hopeful to see.
