
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Miscellaneous mid-March odds & ends

  • (I have a thing for alliteration, lol.)
  • (I guess it's not QUITE mid-March... but almost...)
  • March started off somewhat sadly. Within the same week, two dear friends -- one from my junior/senior high school days and one a longtime online friend -- each lost one of their parents. A reminder that our time here together is precious, and that none of us are getting any younger. :( 
  • March also started off more or less like a lion. Maybe not so much in terms of storminess (although we did get more snow that first weekend), but very cold (again)(at least -- bowing to my friends & relatives on the Prairies -- cold for southern Ontario).  This has been a very long, very cold and very snowy winter -- one of the coldest & snowiest in many years.  Even dh -- who hates the summer heat & humidity, & is generally "Mr. I Love Winter" -- is thoroughly sick of it and ready for spring.
  • MORE changes have been announced at work. (And possibly more to come, including ones that might affect me & my job directly.) I just try to keep my head down and do my work as best I can.  23 months... 23 months...
  • Next week is spring break here in Ontario. I think a lot of local schools were already off on Friday, though, because there were already scads of parents & kids wandering around downtown and at the train station that afternoon. This will continue throughout the next week. :p
  • I can tell I am doing much better with childlessness than I used to. At one time, just walking past a Baby Gap store would bring tears to my eyes. These days, I am there (or The Children's Place, or Gymboree) just about every week, looking for good deals on cute outfits that I can buy & send to the Princess (and soon, her little sister or brother). Tonight, at the bookstore, I was looking at children's Easter-themed books for her.  It is fun to have a little one in my life to spoil -- and to be able to enjoy doing it.
  • I will admit that every now & then, I do get a pang of wistfulness. Especially when I see a really cute little dress. I don't know why the dresses in particular affect me, but they do. :(  (Maybe (in part) because the Princess rarely wears dresses, lol -- I have yet to buy her a dress, because I know it will MAYBE get worn once before she grows out of it.) But it happens far less frequently these days, and is far less painful. Progress!!
  • I picked up & started "Otherhood" by Melanie Notkin of Savvy Auntie this week. I'm currently juggling a couple of books (along with newspapers & magazines -- not to mention blogs, lol) but I will let you know what I think of it when I'm done.


  1. The little dresses used to get me too. Once when our neighbours got a baby girl I sent DP out to buy a gift. He spent 40€ on a cream cotton dress with a bit of lace. I cried over that, then.

    last year, when we had our own living baby girl, the neighbour kept saying she would visit soon, but that she didn't have a gift yet. At some point I just asked the dress back. (Typing this I'm almost ashamed I did that. But somehow it was healing)

    And in Amsterdam we had the first summery day today!

  2. I'm really glad you get to do this. I too regularly visit Pumpkin Patch or Just Kids (the NZ versions no doubt of your stores) for my little niece. I love choosing things for her, and like you I try to take pleasure in that rather than think about the what-ifs.

    It helps that my sister isn't really into buying her cute outfits (she's more the practical sort) so relies on me to buy the "special occasion" outfits, which is fun. I was most put out when I realised that by starting school (and wearing a school uniform) her need for clothes had suddenly and dramatically dropped. Sigh!

    Finally, I'm scared when people in the northern hemisphere start talking about spring. I'm not ready for autumn and especially not winter.
