
Monday, September 29, 2014

#MicroblogMondays: Life is good

(Based on a recent Facebook status update.) 

Slept in until 8:30 and had a great walk with dh this morning after breakfast -- clear blue sky, warm sunshine, leaves starting to turn colour -- absolutely glorious. Wearing my capris & sandals again this afternoon to the mall.

No year end/annual report to worry about for the first time in 28 years!!!

Life is good. :) 

(When I posted this on FB, a cousin who also lost his job -- & has never been happier -- responded, "Told ya."  ;) )

You can find more #MicroblogMondays posts here.

The trees along the ravine at the cemetery where Katie's ashes are interred are starting to turn colour;  that's dh off in the distance. Taken yesterday afternoon.  


  1. Gorgeous photo! I was enjoying a walk this morning too - we have a bike/running/walking path not far from our house, but we don't really use it because it's not particularly convenient. Our subdivision has sidewalks and lots of places to walk, so I usually stay there. But I've been branching out onto the trails for a change of scenery, and it's been very nice.

  2. Hi Loribeth! My theme for this MicroblogMonday is Life is Good, too. Somehow it balances itself.

    Have a great week!

  3. I'm so glad life is good!

    I really envy those of you who enjoy autumn colours. NZ native trees tend to be evergreens, so we only have autumn colours in certain parts of the country. I grew up with willows and oaks and poplars changing colour, and I miss it here in lush green Wellington!

  4. We have been enjoying the warmer fall weather - although on Friday it will change. I walked by my favorite fall trees tonight with the dogs and they are still very green.

  5. Gorgeous view. Autumn is ending here and I missed a big chunk of it due to being on our holiday. "Life is good" makes me smile. :-)

  6. Love the colours in the photograph. There are definitely benefits to being retired.

  7. That is a gorgeous pic.

    I love the present-mindedness of this post!
