
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Odds & ends

  • I missed Microblog Mondays this week. :(  Hoping to get back into the groove next Monday.
  • In case you missed it, one of the authors of the book "Mastering the Art of Quitting," which I recently reviewed here, dropped by to comment on my post. :)  Thank you, Peg. :)  
  • Peg said she never thought of her book in terms of infertility.  You never know just when or how your message is going to touch someone, do you? 
  • Speaking of authors & books, Lorraine Ash recently guest blogged at Life Without Baby. I read Lorraine's beautiful memoir, Life Touches Life: A Mother's Story of Stillbirth and Healing, shortly after it was published in 2004 -- seven years post-Katie but still a few years pre-blogging. I donated a few copies to our perinatal grief support group, and it's one of the books I have constantly recommended to newly bereaved parents over the years.
  • Lorraine's story was especially meaningful to me because it paralleled mine in so many ways. We are of a similar age, both became pregnant after 35, both lost our only babies (girls) within a year of each other (my Katie in 1998, her Victoria Helen in 1999), and both have opted to remain childless/free since then. We both come from journalism/writing backgrounds, and (we discovered) we're both January girls. I sent her an email to tell her how much I loved her book (something I don't often do) & we traded emails for a while -- something she remembered when I commented on her guest post at LWB!  
  • Lorraine has written a sequel/followup book, Self and Soul:  Creating a Meaningful Life, which I will look forward to ordering online soon.
  • Saw this great article online recently about the emotional and physical benefits of writing. We bloggers are definitely doing something right. :)
  • I got on a scale the other morning. In the two months since I was laid off, I have lost 5-6 pounds. :) (I was about the heaviest I have ever been at that point. :p ) Dh & I have been walking 30-45 minutes, 3-4 mornings a week and I guess that's helped. The Catholic high school near us has a beautiful paved track. We walk up there after breakfast (while the kids are in class), do a few laps & then walk home again. We figure it's 1.5-2 miles, depending on the route we take and the number of laps (usually 2-3). I could certainly stand to lose a lot more weight, but it's a step in the right direction. :)


  1. Good for you on the weight loss! And a nice summing up of writings that have touched you, and the interactions that result that we never expect.

  2. Well done on the weight loss! I enjoyed the article about the benefits of writing. I'm new to the blogging world but have already found that writing (and reading) has been very cathartic and healing.

  3. I'm always looking forward to your postings since you always share some interesting info in them :)

    Congrats on loosing weight and exercising more! I always lose weight when on vacation and then gain it back because of having to spend endless hours in front of the computer :(

    I loved the article about benefits of writing! I can attest to such benefits myself because I stopped having headaches since I started writing my blog and also I stopped feeling constantly miserable. I started reading more, being more interested in what is going around me, what other people write and do, and I actually started enjoying the process of writing by itself. Who knows, maybe, I will even write a book one day :)

  4. Thanks for all the great links; you always share such interesting sites/articles/thoughts. congrats on the weight loss!! That's awesome.

  5. Great article you shared on the benefits of writing. Thanks!
