
Monday, October 6, 2014

#MicroblogMondays: Uncharted territory

It's approaching mid-October and I recently realized I'll soon be entering uncharted territory.

Sixteen years ago, I headed back to work in early October after being off since our daughter's stillbirth in early August. (Three days later, my grandfather passed away, & I didn't return to work for more than week afterward.) Over the years, I've often taken a few days or a week in October to paint the house, entertain my visiting mother, go to New York City, enjoy the fall colours, use up my vacation time before I lost it.  And then returned to face the particular madness that was year end at my workplace. 

Now I'm unemployed/retired, and in a few weeks, October will segue into November. This will be uncharted territory for me:  since I started working almost 30 years ago, I've rarely had more than a day or two off in November or pre-Christmas December.  Will I be crawling the walls with cabin fever, once the weather turns cold & grey, or will be I happy to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea & my laptop or a good book?  Will I still be writing my annual "I hate November" post??

I guess I'll soon find out. :)

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. Lots of change indeed. Even during times of remembrance. May this October be one filled with new traditions.

  2. Only you will know, but I get a feeling that you will be just as busy. With different things, but busy nonetheless. It's almost as if life never gives us a chance to sit still and relax with tea; something always pops up or we make it pop up. But do enjoy the tea and books when you can grab them :-)

  3. I hope you can write your first every "I love November" post. Or at least a "November isn't so bad after all" post.

    You can do your Christmas shopping early, without the crowds, and then spend time recovering with your laptop or a good book and a cup of tea or a glass of red wine.

    You can walk amongst the fall colours, and appreciate the beauty, rather than running past by them.

    You can hide from the elements in a nice cafe for a long lunch, or at a middle of the week, daytime movie.

    You can make, maybe, just soak up October and November, learning what they are like outside work, when you might have time for joy as well as grief and stress.

  4. Or you could just go to Paris. It's beautiful in Oct/Nov!
