
Monday, January 12, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: 54

So today's topic was an obvious one for me, one I couldn't really ignore (even though I might want to).

It's my birthday today. I am 54 years old.

Now how did that happen??

Of course, as my wise grandma once said in a discussion about aging, "Consider the alternative!"  ;) 

Realistically, more than half my life is over. I am a bereaved mother. I never got to have the family I wanted, and my childbearing years are (pretty much) over (STILL waiting to get through menopause...!). I lost my job this past year. Not exactly great for the ego (not to mention the pocketbook). :p

On the other hand, I have a wonderful family, including a husband I adore, I look younger than my age (notwithstanding the drugstore clerk who asked me recently if I was a senior)(!!!)(it was Seniors Day = extra discount -- maybe I should have said "yes"??), and I now have time to explore what else I want to do with the time on this earth that is left to me.

All in all, that makes me a pretty lucky girl/woman/old lady/whatever, I think. ;) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Finding joy in the moment - whatever moment we find ourselves in - is such an important gift at any age. Happy birthday! May the coming year be full of wonderful moments.

  2. happy birthday Loribeth. I love your wise and witty writing.

  3. Happy Birthday! May it be a great day and an even better year!

  4. Happy, happy birthday and may your year be wonderful!

  5. There are a LOT of candles on that cake!
    Happy birthday

  6. Happy birthday! Birthdays tend to bring up a lot of "feels" here's hoping, at least most of them, were happy!

  7. Happy birthday (again)! Yes, aging is better than the alternative, though it would be nice to be able to loop back to some of those earlier years and redo them -- either to make different decisions (worry less!) or to just enjoy them a second time.

  8. Happy birthday, Loribeth! I hope it is a good year for you.

  9. Dear Loribeth,
    Hope you had a marvelous birthday! Many happy returns. xo, PJ

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful year!

  11. This world is a much better place with you in it, Loribeth, so I think WE are the lucky ones, to have you here and writing and thinking and talking to us.

    (Yes, we are at that age that we do start considering the alternative!)

  12. Happy belated birthday, Loribeth! Wishing you health and many more beautiful memories with your loved ones.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday!! (I'm so far beyond on blog reading). I hope you had a wonderful day and that this coming year is an awesome one for you :)
