
Monday, January 5, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: New year

Time flies when you're on vacation.  I always think I'm going to have all this time for blogging and catching up on blog reading & commenting when I visit my parents. It never works out. I drag my computer out of its case and set everything up... and then lunch or dinnertime comes and we have to clear the kitchen table to make way for plates & cutlery. Or my mother asks me to help her wrap some gifts or come with her to the grocery store. Or lectures me that I spend too much time on that thing (this after she herself has been immersed on Facebook on her own netbook for an hour ;) ).  Or people drop by to visit (including, almost every day, the two enchanting Little Princesses whom we love to spoil.)  Picking up & setting down a book is easier, so I tend to get more reading than blogging done while I'm there.

Anyway -- it's been a few weeks -- but I'm back. :)

Coming up (eventually):  the annual Year in Review meme, as well as reviews of the five latest books I've read (four on vacation, one before). 

Happy new year!

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.


  1. I am the worst for blogging while visiting relatives. I, too, think I will have all this time, but I don't. I usually don't even manage to keep up with feedly, so I get home to this flood of posts and then I don't have time to comment or read them carefully.

    But visiting is always worth it.

  2. I always have big intentions for vacation, but sometimes I don't even get to the books when there are so many people around.

  3. Yes, it's good to have you back. Sounds like you did better than me though. I didn't even manage to read one book - too many people around, and too much going on.

  4. I got ONE book read on vacation this year, and considered myself lucky. :) I completely understand!

  5. Welcome back! Good to know you could spend a lot of time with many loved ones and that you got a lot of reading done. :-)

  6. Today is our last day of holiday break and boy, do I have a lot of things still on my To Do list!

    Happy 2015 :-)

  7. Welcome back! Not only do I try to refrain from blogging while on vacation, I do the same when people are visiting me! It's nice to unplug for awhile. I always feel rejuvenated.
    Welcome back and Happy New Year to you!

  8. I too also think I'll catch up on blogging while on vacation... and I never do. In fact, I'm playing catch up today now that I have some down time post holiday. Hope you are having a great 2015 so far!
