
Friday, May 1, 2015

Memo to self :p

If you think you hear squirrels tap-dancing on your roof in the morning (with increasing frequency), get it checked out sooner versus later.  Chances are they are tap-dancing UNDER your roof -- i.e., in the attic. :p  (Denial, thy name is Loribeth... :p )


  1. Uh oh. I hope you can get them to go away and that the damage isn't too extensive!

  2. GAH! You know how I feel about this :-) Sending good thoughts that your little friends are gone soon.

  3. Ha ha! Yes, this made me laugh. I grew up in the country, with little four-legged animals that are not as cute as squirrels in our roof (no attic as such). It was fine, as long as there was no danger that they might get out of the roof, and into our rooms. There wasn't. (I can hear Mel shuddering from here!)

  4. Oh, yikes! Hope the issue is resolved soon!

  5. Oh NO. I hope they take their eviction notice without any traumatic experiences. Other than the continued tap-dancing... We had what I think are mating raccoons last night, definitely outside the house, but not a sound you want to hear at 4 am. It's nice to have nature so close, but maybe not quite THIS close? Good luck with your squirrels!
