
Sunday, May 3, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends

*  I accidentally posted a (very) rough preliminary draft of this post yesterday & then headed off to the movies.  Thanks, Mel, for the heads up!
*  It's been that kind of week around here...! :p
The squirrel saga (a big part of "that kind of week around here...") has not yet been entirely resolved.  Longer post to come when it is. :p
*  Also part of my week: dh's tinnuitis, dental appointments (fortunately, no cavities), and some crappy PMS symptoms, which seem to be getting worse as I get older. :p
*  The movie we went to see was "Avengers: Age of Ultron." I'm not hugely into comic books, but we've been to the other Avengers/Iron Man movies, which have been fun, albeit slightly over the top sometimes with all the violence, etc. This one was too (both fun & over the top).
* Slight spoiler alert: You wouldn't expect an ALI plot point to pop up in a superheroes movie -- but, there it was, and it made me cry. 'Nuff said.
*  Yesterday was International Bereaved Mothers Day. I tend to roll my eyes at "made up"/Hallmark holidays (but then didn't a lot of holidays begin that way??) -- and the cynical side of me can't quite bring myself to describe myself in terms of my "Mother Heart" (too sappy) -- but I appreciate that someone has made the effort to make us feel special & recognized. Supposedly that other day, this coming Sunday (Voldemort Day, as I like to call it)(i.e., "The Day Which Shall Not Be Named," lol), is for us too -- in fact, if you check the history of the day, it started out that way! -- but it sure doesn't feel that way sometimes...

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here     


  1. Yes, I was surprised by that plot point too, and a bit surprised to have an IF story follow me into my escapism.

  2. While not happy that people had reason to post for IBMD, I was touched that a few people in my Facebook feed talked about it yesterday. If nothing else, it put that reminder in people's minds that next weekend may be hard for some people.

  3. Oh no! I hope the squirrely issue gets resolved soon.
    I've not seen the movie yet, that'll be interesting to see the IF bit of it.
    May your week be better soon!

  4. I did not know about this Day! How nice that's it's before Voldemort. (Hilarious, btw, because that's what I dubbed my ex-husband, and it TOTALLY works for that holiday.) I heard Avengers: Age of Ultron was awesome, and I THANK YOU for the warning about ALI subplots, because perhaps I won't see it quite so close to Voldemort day. Super sensitive to that kind of thing when it's a sucker punch like that. Yikes for squirrels!

  5. Mother's day isn't QUITE as hard this year, but man. I remember how hard it can be. Hugs for you in advance.
