
Monday, September 28, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends: The whine & cheese edition ;)

What happened to September??! 
  • I am still having some issues with leaving comments on WordPress & self-hosted blogs. I press "submit" & poof!  the comment vanishes into thin air. :p  I've contacted some of the bloggers directly, where there's a way/email address, & I'm told my comments have been directed to the spam folder, for some reason??  In some cases, it's happened more than once on the same blog, even after I've contacted the blogger. I have no idea why this is happening, but if you have a WordPress or self-hosted blog and haven't heard from me lately... ;) 
  • The online book group I belong to (which has been a 99.9% positive experience) has just wrapped up discussion on another selection. As I mentioned in my review here, near the end of the story, one of the main characters wound up with a "surprise!" pregnancy after several years of marriage/ttc, when she was around 40 (pretty ancient in those days).  This really irked me -- and during our discussion of that chapter, I got up the nerve to post a comment to that effect, because it was (& still is) such a cliché and (as I knew from personal experience) it doesn't always happen. (Sometimes, yes, but not always.) Of course, member after member promptly piled on to tell me about their friend/aunt/sister/cousin/neighbour/self who got pregnant at a late age after they "gave up" and "relaxed." ARGH. Serves me right for opening my big (cyber)mouth. :p 
  • I'm going through some insomnia lately. I usually go to bed around 10:30-11. Then I wake up around 2-3 a.m. (washroom trip) -- and I can't go back to sleep again. :p  I like to cuddle up to dh -- but then I get horribly hot & have to change positions again, which wakes me up even more. Dh often gets up around 6:30 -- I'll usually stay in bed & sometimes will drift off for another hour or so. The other night, I had trouble falling asleep (last time I checked the clock it was past midnight).  I was wide awake at 3 & by 5, I was starting to feel hungry (!) so I finally gave up & went downstairs & made breakfast, but I was yawning by mid-afternoon. I was reading an article on menopause the other day, & sleep disturbances were one of the symptoms they discussed. I'm not THROUGH menopause yet (no thank you, Aunt Flo... :p ) but at 54, I am definitely in the ballpark. :p A few weeks ago, though, I was sleeping like a log from 10:30 through to 5ish & then falling asleep again until 7:30ish. So perhaps things will get better again in awhile. I have to say, though, times like these are when I am so, so grateful I don't have to get up before 5 to head off to work anymore. I did have some nights like these when I was still working, & it totally sucked. :p
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here      


  1. As someone who has had sleep disturbances her whole life, I wonder if I'll notice the menopause ones :-)

    It IS a cliche, and while the cliche can be done well, it also can be tacked onto a plot as lazy writing. It sounds like in that book, if it neatly wraps up a plot line, it's more lazy than inventive.

    1. Well, it was a light novel, written in the 1940s, so I suppose the obligatory happy ending was a given. The responses from the group members, though...!

  2. Ugh about the book club comments!!! Just ugh, especially since we're likely getting only part of the story (gave up and relaxed = final round of IVF with new protocol).

  3. I feel you on the sleep disturbances, sister! I've always had sleep issues, but since the perimenopause crap started to make an appearance about 18 months ago, it's been way worse! I get so hot and sweaty that I have to get up and take a shower. Then the shower wakes me up. On the good nights I can get back to sleep. I go through phases though. Sometimes I sleep really well as I did for most of August. Other times I just sleep ok for 5-6 hours like right now. But the worst is when I barely sleep at all. There was a period last winter where I don't think I slept for more than four consecutive hours for three or four months.

    I hope you get back to sleeping normally again!

  4. Is it me? (self-hosting comment-leaving problems?)

    I'm nodding in reaction to your second two points.

    1. I have had trouble with your blog in the past, Lori, but I think the last comment or two I've left has been fine. :) At any rate, I know how to get hold of you if need be. ;)

    2. Karen/Serenity (River Run Dry) & Turia (Res Cogitae), your blogs are two of the ones I've had trouble with :( & I don't have emails for you to let you know. If you see this, check your spam folders! ;)

  5. I also recently joined a book club! We just wrapped up The Girl on the Train...from now I might google books to see if they have any "surprises" in them.
    Although I trudged through it and made it out alive ;)
    Weird! I've been having issues sleeping too! I have taken melatonin the last few nights to works out okay.
    Hopefully your sleep issues resolve soon, what book are you reading next, do you know?
    Also, that does stink that they piled on you about that! I had to be vague with some of my answers at book club yesterday when we discussed the book, trying to avoid some awkwardness.

    1. Ah yes, "The Girl on the Train" would be kind of awkward to discuss with a bunch of fertile people. :p The book club I mentioned is online & is devoted to one specific British author (follow the links in my post & you'll see who she is). Her books are difficult to find but they are starting to reissue some of them; the last few have been reissued titles so I've been able to read along & take part. However, the only copy I've been able to find of the next selection was a used copy priced at about $160 on Amazon!! so I'm afraid I'll be watching from the sidelines. :p (It's called "'s. Sec.ret.") I have several other non-group books on the go right now, including Chrissie Hynde's memoir, "Reckless."

  6. Argh to the comments. People are such know-it-alls, when really they know nothing!

  7. ARRGGHHHHH to the comments, too. I've just had a "I'll pray for you to get a miracle pregnancy" even after telling the person that we were fine and content with our lives. I don't know why people don't even dare to think of the possibility that not everybody gets to have their own children no matter what and that it's a fact, too, not fiction.

    Sorry to hear about the insomnia. Hope it gets better in the future. My mom was a lucky one as she didn't have any trouble at all (I've asked her about this).

  8. You may not be menopausal, but say hello to perimenopause which can include what you described. I had it for years. Considering you've been taking laps around a track, you should be sleeping better. I've been on 5mg of DHEA which really helps a lot. Yeah, those urban myths have a grain of truth to them, though they never happened to me.

    1. Well, those laps have been WALKING, not running. ;) It goes in cycles, I think... and it doesn't help when dh is doing his own tossing & turning beside me. :p I think I've been showing some perimenopausal symptoms since my late 30s/early 40s, certainly since stopping fertility treatments. But I have been sleeping somewhat better the last few days.

  9. On the technical SNAFU front: I think Blogger is striking back. I noticed my latest Wordpress blog post is not showing up on any of the blogger blog rolls:

    1. UGH -- nope, it's not in my blogroll in the sidebar here -- although it is in my Bloglovin blog reader.
