
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

NotMoms, unite!

I know this is short notice (I just realized I haven't written anything about it yet, but better late than never...!) -- but if you're childless/free for whatever reason, and can make it to Cleveland, Ohio, this coming weekend (Oct. 9-10), have I got an event for you!

Karen Malone Wright of The Not Mom has organized what has to be a first: The NotMom Summit 2015, a conference for "not moms" from right across the spectrum -- from those of us (like me) who weren't able to have children to those who made a conscious choice not to have children, to everything in between. This promises to be a groundbreaking gathering of our tribe, with some amazing guest speakers.

Karen recently spoke with two different childless/free bloggers about her own story, her website, the conference, and childlessness generally: 
And she and some of the conference speakers (including Savvy Auntie's Melanie Notkin) appeared on a local radio show, "The Sound of Ideas," to talk about the conference and the NotMom "movement."  (Approx. 50 minutes.)

All three are great podcasts & worthwhile watching/listening. :)

Sadly, I won't be able to make it to the conference (although a visit to Cleveland & the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame specifically is one of my bucket list items...!)... but I wish Karen much success with this project (so much so that there might be a second conference some day??), and I would love to hear from any of you who go!

*** *** ***

Another excellent (audio) podcast that I stumbled on this week: Melanie Holmes, author of "The Motherhood Assumption," which I wrote about here (and who, coincidentally, is a speaker at The NotMom Summit), was interviewed by Michelle Marie McGrath on her Unclassified Woman podcast.  (Approx. 51 minutes)

(Melanie pays tribute to Madelyn Cain & her book, "The Childless Revolution," as someone who personally inspired her. I found & read "The Childless Revolution" right around the same time that we made the decision to stop infertility treatments. The book covers the spectrum of childlessness -- by choice, infertility & circumstance -- and was one of the very few I could find back then to speak to my situation.)


  1. Whhhhhat? How did I manage to not know about this? Cleveland is a bit under three hours from me but I already have plans for the weekend. :(

    Excited to listen to all of these podcasts! I recently stumbled across Elizabeth Gilbert's Magic Lessons podcast and I'm really liking it, particularly her interview with Brenè Brown.

  2. I've been meaning to listen to those podcasts, so thanks for reminding me. Ah, wouldn't it have been wonderful if we'd all been able to get to Cleveland? I think the lovely Pamela is speaking there too. Sigh. One day.

  3. That is so cool that she has pulled together a conference.

  4. I've shared the link in my FB in case people who live nearby can join. I'd love go to, but unfortunately I live too far away. Thanks for the podcast links, too.
