
Monday, November 9, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: Curse you, Facebook... :p

Just what I needed... a paid ad in the sidebar of my Facebook newsfeed for GRANDMA BRACELETS. :p  Header reads: "Are you a Grandma?"

No, and I won't ever be -- and thank you (not) for the reminder (as if I needed one). :p

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.    


  1. So sorry that this little ambush came up out of nowhere with no warning. So much generic marketing is incredibly insensitive in its assumptions.

  2. Ugh. Facebook ads are so annoying, and they always read me so WRONG. I don't know how they make money selling targeted advertising when they can't seem to get anything I'm interested in. Sounds like they are off on your profile as well.

    1. I am thinking it's because several of my FB friends are grandparents & I have "liked" their posts related to their grandchildren. :p Ergo, I must be a grandmother (or grandmother in waiting) too, right?!!

  3. You know, it's in these moments that I wonder what would happen if people responded to these posts with posts pointing out how painful and separating shit like this is. Because COME ON! We need bracelets to separate people AND those who are in "grandparent" roles need that label?

  4. FB sucks!
    a warm hug from another never-grandma.

  5. A couple of years ago, on Mother's Day, I was "lucky" enough to receive an email from Shutterfly telling me that bringing a life into the world was the most wonderful thing ever and if I wanted to order birth announcements, they have a wonderful selection. Needless to say I haven't ordered anything from them since and can't imagine any circumstance that I will choose to order from them.

    In short, so called targeted advertising sucks!

  6. Ugh, ugh, ugh! I hate that for a couple of reasons. The first is that you don't seem old enough to be a grandma, and neither do I, even though I have a friend who is one and she is younger than me! And ugh - those ads. They're always getting it wrong - obviously they (or the companies that use them) don't care about that, because they get more hits than ughs. A bit like those soliciting telephone calls. Hugs.

  7. I don't FEEL old enough to be a grandmother... but I'm afraid I am. :p ;) At least one of my friends from high school is a grandmother now, and so are several of my cousins and one of dh's cousins -- all of whom are younger than me. :p

  8. That's awful, for a myriad of reasons. Things like that are the reason I"m such a big fan of browser extensions - I use this for my Firefox, and it keeps those ads off my page.


  9. Ugh! As if the year someone enters into a FB profile assumes certain things about a person.

    Just ugh.
