
Thursday, January 7, 2016


Mel has reminded us that it's International Blog Delurking Week (Jan. 3-9).  If you've been lurking here (and even if you're a regular), now is the time to come out of the shadows, say hello, & tell me (& everyone else reading) a little bit about yourself.  :)  Don't be shy! Welcome!  :)


  1. Been a lurker for a few months and have tentatively plunged into the commenting just recently.
    Live in Aus, married 21 yrs, dealing with male infertility. As a reasonably positive couple we decided to play the percentages and went through IVF. Result was 7 embryos but the percentages still won. Shut the door on kids back in 2000.

    Hubby not interested in adoption and I was nowhere near ready to face that series of hurdles anyway (cost, emotional toll, more prodding and poking into our lives, would have to have been an overseas adoption). I had some serious healing and acceptance to get through.
    Rebuilding the positives slowly ever since.

    Stopped working in 2011 due to job off-shoring and redundancy…happily it was time for a break......which I am still enjoying ; ) -K

    1. I've been reading & enjoying your comments, here & elsewhere... sounds like we have a great deal in common (including unemployment!). If ever you decide to take the blogging plunge, let me know, I would love to follow! :)

    2. dear gr8southlandgirl, I would love to follow your blog too! If you ever decide for blogging, do send me a link!

    3. Wow, thanks, I’m chuffed and humbled.
      Is this the art of gentle persuasion in action?

      I’m not sure I would find enough to talk about on a regular basis… open to suggestions;
      Telling my infertility story all these years later? Now that I’ve managed to put some distance between me and our infertility struggles I don’t think I want to live through it in detail again – once in a lifetime was more than enough of that experience.
      I will certainly let you know if I ever take the plunge into blogging. Thanks again.

  2. LOL I've never heard of de-lurking week! I might have to use this one :) Found you through Wordless Wednesdays and love your blog. As we embark on our "last option" to TTC I find peace in the decision we would live without children if this doesn't work and it's nice seeing blogs of others who have done the same. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

    1. Welcome, & thanks for delurking! Wishing you success -- but if things don't work out the way you had hoped, you know there are many of us out here who are living pretty good lives, even if it's not the life we once imagined.

  3. I'm not the type of person you are probably expecting to hear from. I have two children, but stumbled upon your blog back before I had children when I was going through Stage III colon cancer treatment and was convinced that the treatments would leave me infertile. My husband and I even met with an adoption attorney after I finished treatment, but then my periods came back and we decided to try the old-fashioned way and were surprised that we were successful, both then and two years later. I have enjoyed your writing and have continued to visit your blog since then.

    1. Glad things worked out for you in the end! :) But also glad you have hung around -- thanks for the comment!

  4. Hello Loribeth,

    I live in Germany and found your blog through Life without Baby. My husband and I do not know why we cannot conceive, we have gone through many rounds of IVF, but apart from an ectopian pregnancy we were unsuccessful. The last treatment was one and a half years ago and I am still trying to cope, still hoping against all odds for a miracle baby. Your blog has helped me a lot to see that my life is happy as it is - in fact, you have become a role model! I love your book reviews (I am a huge fan of Anne of Green Gables & Laura Ingalls Wilder, thank you for the Pioneer Girl review! And I read the Flavia books because of your recommendation and even found a German translation of a D.E. Stevenson novel in my library - still have to read that one), I have been to Canada several times and have friends there and I really enjoy reading about your life and your attitudes. Thank you so much - I am visiting your blog every week. Annette

    1. Thank you so much for those kind words, Annette! :) -- you made my day! :)

  5. I am certainly not a lurker (just try to shut me up!), but wanted to say hi anyway! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I’ve just found your blog (I guess because mine has a similar name). And read a couple of things I’ve enjoyed a lot: your posts about Belinda Carlisle and Chrissie Hynde autobiographies. The first made me discover The Go Go’s and their very fun eighties video. I just knew the band from a dialogue on Ellen’s series – it was the 1st show of one of the characters, can’t remember if Page or Aundrey – but had never seen them and wasn’t aware Belinda Carlisle was a member. About the other one, Chrissie Hynde is a woman and artist I admire and had the privilege of seeing live with The Pretenders. I grabbed her book the other day, read some pages, but still didn’t bought it. Maybe I will some other time. Anyway, your blog was a nice surprise. Thank you and all the best.

    1. Thank YOU! :) (I'm envious you got to see the Pretenders!)

  7. Back in the blogosphere and de-lurking. Hi!

  8. I read this post because I am inspired by your optimism. I am in a very depressed state due to loss of close family members.

  9. I am sorry. :( You will be in my thoughts. Time has been a great healer for me personally, and I hope it will help you as well -- although grief is a very personal thing and everyone's timetable is different...

  10. My name is Klara, I am 42, I am trying to find my happiness back after 10 failed IVFs. Your wisdom and positive attitude helped me a lot in the healing process, thank you for that.
    sending you lots of love from sLOVEnia.

  11. I've commented a few times, but still a bit of a lurker haha! I'm Becky, from CO. Relatively new to the world of childless not by choice (about 2 years in after stoping infertility treatments). Love your blog! :)

  12. Heh. You probably wish I would be quiet and simply lurk a bit more! I love my lurkers. I know I must have a few!

    I am very grateful for your voice here. You're essentially my age, married, no kids, and unemployed too! It's really nice to have someone around experiencing similar things. Though you're not looking for work, though I am.

    1. And I am grateful for your voice too, here, on your own blogs and in the thoughtful comments you leave on others. :) It's fun to find someone whose life is so similar, even if it's on the other side of the world! :)

  13. I'm a little shy to comment because I've been lurking for an embarrassingly long time and like a previous poster noted, not quite the expected reader (one child)...I started reading here in late 2012 (from a comment you left on Stirrup Queens) when I was diagnosed with PCOS and preparing to go through treatments.

    I've always loved how insightful your posts are and so many good links/articles. I still have a National Post article you linked to last year bookmarked that I use to talk with friends/family about the dangers of romanticizing pregnancy/childbirth/parenting and the realities of loss and infertility.

    Also, as a reader, I really enjoy the book reviews - if I'm looking for a new book, I often come here first to get some ideas!

    1. Glad to hear from you! Thank you for the kind words! :)
