
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Freedom 55

Another year, another birthday. :)  This is kind of a big one -- not generally considered a milestone -- at least, not these days -- but still, it's one that divisible by 5, and clearly an indicator that time is passing. 

When I was a teenager/young adult, 55 wasn't necessarily OLD -- but the message was that if you were lucky -- if you worked hard and did the right things -- you could retire, early, and enjoy life while you were still relatively young and able to do so. In the 1980s, there was a hugely successful ad campaign for a Canadian life insurance company, built around the concept of "Freedom 55" -- which I wrote about in a post a couple of years ago when dh celebrated HIS 55th birthday. "Freedom 55" became both a well-recognized catchphrase and a seemingly reachable goal for Canadians of my generation to work towards.

Back then, many companies allowed employees to retire early on a full, unreduced pension at 55 (not my own company, unfortunately -- retirement at 55 is an option, but with a reduced pension).  Many companies also offered seniors discounts and other perqs to customers once they hit 55. 

These days, however, the perqs have been pulled back to 60 & 65-year-olds, and it seems that defined benefit pension plans are going the way of the dodo bird. Fewer of my peers expect to retire at 55, instead making rueful jokes about "Freedom 70." I realize that dh & I are an increasing rarity -- and, yes, extremely lucky. 

That said... 

Upon hearing that we're both essentially retired, a lot of people comment to dh & me that, "wow, you're living the dream."  Well, yeah, maybe -- but to get to this point, we had to "live the nightmare" first -- infertility, stillbirth, job loss.  Dh & I were hoping to retire around the time I hit 55 anyway, but we didn't get to make that decision;  it was made for us (first for dh & then for me), a bit earlier than we had planned. 

We feel very fortunate that things have worked out as well as they have to this point -- but I wonder whether people would want to trade places with us if they realized what it took to get here. As Janis Joplin once sang, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..." I suspect there are going to be further changes and life transitions ahead for us in the next couple of years too.  (Hopefully some positive ones, along with the ones we didn't expect or plan for.) 

But hey -- it's my birthday. :)  And however I got here, I'm 55, and, yes, I have a certain amount of freedom in my life these days that I didn't five, 10, 15 years ago. And that's something worth celebrating. :) 


  1. Happy birthday! May it be a wonderful one and a year filled with new freedoms.

  2. Happy birthday! Another year better, I think! Enjoy the day.

    BTW- I used to cry at those Freedom 55 commercials. That one where the dad watches his daughter grow up? Waterworks!!! :)

  3. You get 364 days a year to have downer posts concerning birthdays, but the birthday itself? You're supposed to only be celebrating :-) I'm teasing, but I really do hope that you have a wonderful day and that there is cake involved. And a good book. And tea.

    1. Well, I did say in the end I was celebrating. ;) I don't want to sound like I'm gloating, because Freedom 55 is just a slogan for so many people -- and it didn't happen quite the way I wanted it to or thought it would. But in the end, yes, it's worth celebrating! :) Not sure about the cake (maybe on the weekend) but there will be tea & books. And dinner out. :)

  4. Happy happy birthday! I'm glad you have your Freedom 55--it may be a paltry consolation prize, but it's so much better than having suffered those losses and still needing to work late into life. You made smart choices for the last 2 decades and now you get to reap the rewards of those choices. That is heartening.

    I hope you have a great day!

  5. dear Loribeth,
    Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best!
    I am glad you have your Freedom55!
    Do you like Janis Joplin? I used to listen to her all the time. I am now listening to Me and Bobby McGee.
    lots of love from sLOVEnia,

    1. Love Janis -- she kind of scared me when I was younger, with all that intensity ;) but the older I get the more I appreciate her and the sadder I am that such a brilliant talent was lost at just 27 years old. :( My favourite of hers is "Piece of My Heart" -- I always have to turn up the radio whenever that comes on!

    2. Yes, Piece of My Heart is awesome. I am listening to it right now, on YouTube.

  6. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!

  7. Happiest of Birthdays! Oddly I've been on a Janis kick and was singing (loudly, proudly, and completely off key) "Piece of My Heart" earlier today. My parents never really did lullabies but they did sing and play old LPs of Janis, Don McLean, Beach Boys, Barry Manilow, Simon & Garfunkel, The Osmonds, Bee Gees, etc.

  8. Happy Birthday Loribeth.
    I hope you had an enjoyable day.

    P.S – went back to read dh’s birthday post...I guess I’m the end tail-end baby boomer(1964). Goodness, the parallels between us are spooky.... : o

  9. Happy Birthday LB, wishing you the best, live your life with joy, laughter and freedom.

  10. Argh. I thought I'd posted here, though I wished you a happy birthday elsewhere. What I do want to say is that I think you are 55 and Fabulous!

  11. Sending you a belated but very happy birthday:-) My husband's was on Jan 9th and my brother (with whom I've always hit it off)is on the 8th. I always say many of my "special people" seem to be born this time of year. Thanks so much for the Janis quote, it really resonated. Whatever the unsolicited commentary is regarding your quasi early retirement, I'm glad it happened to such a deserving person!!
