
Monday, March 7, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: Back to the drawing board...

In last week's #MM post, I mentioned Aunt Flo had been absent a record 59 days. " I suppose it's too much to hope that she'll stay away another 306 days (thereby officially launching me into menopause)," I said.

Apparently, it was. :p  I went 63 days without a period, my longest pause ever -- but Friday, it was back to the drawing board and reset the clock. (Right in the middle of trying to sell our house, of course.) 

I know one of these days she'll be gone for good... but really, after 44 years, it won't be soon enough...!  :p  ;)  

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.


  1. Bummer. But you're getting closer, so I'll consider it a step in the right direction. Here's hoping for 300+ days!

  2. Good grief! I did wonder if you were tempting fate by posting that. lol (I'm a pessimist at times!)

    If I were you, I think I'd have got a mirena or something long ago, just to stop AF appearing.

    1. Not eager to be mucking around with hormones (again) after 13 years on the pill before ttc & several cycles of fertility drugs. :p Some of my friends had ablations & raved about them, but most of them had really awful periods. I honestly never thought it would drag on this long; I figured once I hit 50 it wouldn't be long... and now I'm 55...!! :p

  3. You're selling your house?! Your period will stop eventually - have you been feeling any other changes?

    1. Yep -- it's sold! Go back to the post before this one. :) As for other changes :p my hair is getting greyer, my mood swings could become their own amusement park ride, and my knees are killing me. :p

  4. Your comment to Deathstar made me laugh! Congrats on selling your house, and condolences for resetting the clock.
