
Monday, June 27, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: Is it over yet?

Three graduations last week (on top of the ones that were held earlier in June, and in May, in the States).

Four more days left in June.

Four more days of cap and gown photos, "I'm so proud" FB posts, "they are growing up too fast" comments, last day of school celebrations.

Dh's cousin's wife -- pregnant at the same time as me -- posted photos of her son's graduation last week on Facebook. It was a gut-punch like I haven't had in quite some time. I swallowed hard & somehow managed to hit the "like" button. But I could not bring myself to leave even a terse "congratulations" comment.

Infertility and stillbirth -- the gifts that just keep on giving. :p  

Little girl, I can only imagine you in your prom dress, and your cap & gown.  I would have been so proud too.

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here      


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, the sadness tends to hit me like a wave on random days even just seeing my nephew be adorable (I was pregnant at the same time as my sister in-law and lost the baby) I can't help but think I should have a four year old and I don't and the gravity of it continues to hit me in the face. I just started blogging and sharing my journey after five years of suffering in silence. You can check out my story over at it's been a relief to find a community of women who understand the complex and sometimes overwhelming emotions associated with infertility and loss.

    1. Thank you, and welcome to the blogosphere! I will definitely check out your blog. I am sorry for your loss. :( It does get easier.better in time, but these milestone occasions & reminders of what coulda/shoulda/mighta been can (still) be hard to take.

  2. Lady, I'm so sorry. This sucks on a whole other level. Thinking of you and holding you in my heart.

  3. Sending hugs and love and strength. (I know you have enormous reserves, but sometimes a boost from outside might help?)

    And I'm hoping you've shut off Fb for the next few days.

  4. This is so beautiful/sad. I've been asked, 'Are you alright now? Have you come to terms with it?' - how to explain that there's a lifetime of it, as you watch all the milestones and landmark events like these, from the sidelines. I too find it hard to be congratulatory: you're not alone

  5. The phrase "punch in the gut" was made for situations like this. I'm so sorry for the ongoing loss of your beloved Katie. {{{LB}}}

  6. Late (((HUGS))). Yeah, some days when I don't feel like writing anything, I'm thankful for that "like" button.

  7. I can’t begin to imagine.... (((HUGS)))
