
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Right now...

Right now... (an occasional meme): 

Reading:  Beginning "Vittoria Cottage" by D.E. Stevenson, the next book we're reading & discussing on my DES online group. It's hard to find a paper version, but I managed to get an e-book through Amazon. However, because I don't have a Kindle (I do have a Kobo), I will be reading it via Kindle app on my cellphone & laptop. This should be interesting...! 

Watching:  EuroCup soccer. (Well, dh is.)  Soccer is huge in the GTA, including the predominantly Italian-Canadian community where we're now living, and there are lots of flags flying from car windows these days. Our condo building is on a major thoroughfare, and we expect to hear a lot of honking car horns whenever Italy wins a game. 

Listening:  To the rattle and hum of construction equipment -- again. They took a break the last few days (Saturday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday), for some unknown reason. It was funny how quiet it seemed around here!

Drinking:  Iced tea with lemon. Ahhhh, summer! :) 

Eating:  For dinner tonight: tortellini in chicken broth with some peas thrown in for veggie content. Easy, filling & tasty. 

Wearing:  Yoga pants have finally given way to wearing shorts & T-shirts around the house, and capris & sandals outside. Yay!! 

Wishing: That the rest of our new furniture would hurry up and arrive. But it likely won't be here until at least the end of the month. :p  

Loving:  Our new condo. (The novelty still hasn't worn off, lol.)

Wondering: Why the drivers around here are so completely nuts. :p  (It seems like drivers everywhere are pretty awful these days, but I think the locals here take the proverbial cake...)  

Sneezing:  My seasonal allergies are acting up again lately, probably as bad as they've been for a few years. Lots of sneezing, sniffling, raw throat, itchy eyes, the works. :p  Saw my allergist last month and she gave me a prescription for Reactine, which she thinks is better than the Claritin I've been taking for years. It's double the strength of the over the counter version -- I've just been taking half a pill and I'll admit it's been fairly effective.  It's also cheaper than buying anything over the counter because I can claim it on my supplementary medical insurance. ;)

Planning: Our summer vacation -- including (gulp!) our first major road trip together!!  We've done some major road trips together with my parents, but not with just the two of us. The longest drive I think we've ever taken was a day drive around the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Island in 2010, which took us about six hours. And it took us about four hours to drive to Cape Breton from Halifax. This will entail a lot more driving and longer distances than that (eeeekkkk). I've been telling people it could be the most fun thing we'll ever do together, or the dumbest -- most likely a bit of both. Guess we'll find out...! 


  1. I'm so pleased you're (still) loving your new condo. That makes the shift so much easier.

    Iced tea - brrrrr! lol (Also "brrrrr" to the shorts and T-shirts)

    Planning vacations/holidays is always fun. (Well, I think so). We've taken lots of road trips - all those years of driving down the South Island to visit my parents, and in the last 20 or so years, in more exotic locales (the most exotic was probably a week in Jordan). I can't imagine never having done a longer road trip than one day! (Yes, the relative sizes of Canada and NZ surely have a lot to do with our different experiences). I started writing some tips for you, but I'll do a post on A Separate Life with them - otherwise this comment will never end!

  2. Ha! Eurocup soccer is on all the time in my home, too. At least when my husband is around ;-). I do not watch.

    I think it is lovely that you are going on a road trip. I hope you will enjoy it!
