
Monday, January 16, 2017

#MicroblogMondays: Blue Monday

Today is supposedly "Blue Monday," the most depressing day of the year, as first determined in 2005 by a professor in Wales who looked at factors that included the weather, debts, time since Christmas and motivation.(Apparently, the idea was also popularized by a travel company as a marketing ploy to sell sunspot vacations.)(!) 

I was reminded that today might be "Blue Monday" by a story in my Facebook "On This Day" feed, and did some Googling, which confirmed that yes, it is indeed today. Not only that, several British newspapers were of the opinion that this year's Blue Monday could be even gloomier than usual, because of all the upheaval caused by Brexit and the election (and upcoming inauguration) of Donald Trump in the U.S., along with the large number of celebrity deaths over the past year -- including, most recently, George Michael & Carrie Fisher -- that reminded aging baby boomers and Gen-Xers like me of our mortality.

While the papers might have a point in that respect, personally, I'm not feeling it today. True, it's a bit of a grey day (with freezing rain in the forecast for tomorrow -- UGH), but it's a relatively mild 3C outside, and we even had the balcony door open a crack for a little while to air the condo out. We ran our usual Monday errands -- a visit to the bank ABM/ATM, lunch & then grocery shopping at our favourite supermarket, a stop at the drugstore to pick up a few things and then a browse at the bookstore, with Starbucks coffee/tea lattes in hand -- and dh is making his favourite beans & rice for dinner tonight. We had dinner last night at BIL's, with both nephews there and entertainment provided by Older Nephew's adorable puppy. Last week was my birthday, and they all came over for cake & coffee -- puppy included. It's been a very long time since I had anyone besides dh around to celebrate with me on my actual birthday, which helped make up for the fact that I was turning another year older.

I find my own low point usually comes a few weeks from now, in February, when it seems like the winter is never going to end. Although I will admit I had a few "screw you, winter" days last week when both bad weather and a visit from Aunt Flo conspired to keep me at home for three claustrophic days in a row. 

How about you? Is today a Blue Monday for you?

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here 


  1. I'm laughing out loud at the idea of a mild 3C outside. That would be my coldest winter day here ever! But I'm glad you're not feeling it.

    You need to kick Aunt Flo to the curb! I feel for you that she's still disrupting your life.

    Well, we've had two relatively warm and sunny days (despite the wind), so I'm not feeling blue at all, but then I have a feeling I wasn't really supposed to answer that question! lol

  2. I didn't know about Blue Monday until this year, on Facebook, but I believe it. After the holidays, nothing but wintery grayness ahead for a while, and the political climate now... I'm with you, though. February is the worst for me. It's been winter for a while and there's so much more to go, and the lack of light is just oppressive. Today was not a blue Monday though. Today I had the day off and I spent it writing and reading and cleaning the house and going to the chiropractor and having a luxurious weekday-lunch-out with a friend. Maybe there's a Gray Monday in February, that I'll probably feel.

  3. It's definitely not a Blue Monday for me. Actually, it's been starting to stay lighter out in the evening very gradually. I'm like you, February is the hard month because I'm ready for winter to be over with.

  4. yea I also didn't find yesterday too bad. Like you I find February can be really bad, when by then it just feels like Winter will never end, plus the days are still so short and dark.

  5. I've been in a funk since Nov. 9th and it's only getting worst for me as we get closer to Friday. I'm going to the gym, continue to enjoy my days and friends, Berlin's winter is being mild so far, but I just have this terrible dread because of him. So I pretend to be a cat and sit by the window when the sun shines for a few minutes and breathe.

  6. Gosh, I’d love to feel some of that 3C weather at the moment. It’s high 30s C for our Blue Monday and expected to reach the low 40s C Tue/Wed. So I guess my feeling blue is weather related too, but at the other extreme.

    Also, my blue Monday was preceded by ‘baptism Sunday’ – 6 week old great niece was christened and then there was the usual large family gathering to celebrate. It always takes me a day or two to move on from these occasions.

    I’m feeling you with this Aunt Flo business ... I’m past ready for her to be gone too!
