
Monday, January 2, 2017

#MicroblogMondays: "Passengers"

Dh, BIL & SIL & I went to see the movie "Passengers" on New Year's Eve (after a great dinner out). I like both Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt, the sets & special effects were pretty good (we saw it in 3D), and the premise is intriguing (albeit I found it, and particularly the film's climax & resolution, to be pretty implausible).

In case you haven't heard, the plot involves two passengers (guess who) aboard a spacecraft headed to another planet. The catch is that all 5,000 passengers and crew are "asleep" in hibernation pods;  the journey will take 120 years and the ship is on autopilot -- that is, until a technical malfunction wakes up our hero (Jim) & fellow awakened passenger, Aurora, 90 years ahead of schedule. As malfunctions begin to pile up, it's up to Jim & Aurora to find a solution, not only to save themselves but the ship's human cargo.    

Glitzy sets & pyrotechnics aside, what grabbed my attention were a few intriguing lines of dialogue that pointed to a major underlying theme of the movie. Underlying the whole "fight for survival against impossible odds" storyline was the idea of two people finding themselves thrust unexpectedly into a life they never thought they'd be living -- that they'd rather NOT be living -- a future that's completely different than the one they thought would be theirs. And coming to terms with that, and making the most of the life you have, even if it's not the one you planned or expected or originally wanted.

I found an "official' quote from the movie that illustrates this theme perfectly:
  • Aurora: "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be, that you forget to make the most of where you are."
Another quote that I remember (I'm paraphrasing here): "This life may not be what we planned -- but it's ours." There's a whole long soliloquy at the very end along these lines, too.  (I would love to find a script, eventually, to be able to read the whole thing & quote it accurately.) :) 

Needless to say, I sat there in the theatre with my mouth hanging open, thinking, "Hmmm... now where I have heard THIS before??"  ;) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. "This life may not be what we planned -- but it's ours." - I plan on trying to own that sentiment in 2017...

  2. Ahh yes. A good quote. I think I remember previews for that, but can't remember. It seems like it would be a good movie.

  3. These quotes ring true. It's hard to let go of what was dreamed of and planned for. But failing to do so means we miss the amazing opportunities right in front of us.

    Curious, what was BIL and SIL's take?

    1. Oh, they both enjoyed the movie -- it was SIL's choice, she really wanted to see it -- although I don't think that particular aspect of the story caught their attention. BIL wondered whether they had kids together while they were on board (!)(that was not something that was part of the story -- thank goodness!!).

  4. Interesting take on it. I haven't seen it, and read a scathing review, so it's good to hear about it from a normal person! Would you recommend it?

    1. The critics definitely haven't liked it, have they?? There were other movies I would have picked to see first, but SIL really wanted to see it, so we agreed to go. I didn't think it was awful, but I didn't love it madly either. I know some critics found the whole basis for their relationship to be problematic... personally, what I found hardest to swallow (spoiler alert here!!) was the idea that all catastrophic things could go wrong with the ship... that he could fix it (& survive) and all would be well, no damage done, and that they could just sail along on their voyage after that. Pretty implausible, I think.

      If you really like sci fi, or the actors, sure, go see it. Otherwise, you could probably wait for the video. ;)

    2. Video it is then. We're off to see Rogue One this rainy afternoon.

    3. Now THAT we loved!! :) It is a bit darker than some of the other Star Wars movies, but very well done.

  5. I want to see this movie! It is on my list, and hopefully doesn't end up a "whoops, missed that one" movie like so many others. Amazing quotes. I actually just wrote a New Year's post that's getting postponed (ha, punny) because it wasn't very micro at all, but one of the things was to be far more present in the present, to not let the past interfere too terribly much with the present because it already did its thing and it's time to move forward. Now I really want to see this movie! Love what you pulled from it.

  6. I was firmly in the not-going-to-see-it camp, but this post has made me rethink that. It sounds a lot deeper than it came across in early reviews I read.

    1. I'm not sure it's really deep... there are some moral questions at stake (which you referenced in your own post ;) ). From what I've read, though, audiences have liked it more than the critics. ;)

  7. Someone told me this movie was slow and boring but your description makes it sound like there is more to the movie than what meets the eye, so to speak. I think I'll wait to see it from RedBox, but I definitely want to see it now, given your post and Mel's.

    1. It IS slow paced... but hey, that's what the characters have to live with, right? Years of life ahead in a finite space with only each other for company. I suppose some people might find it boring... however my BIL, who is the first to call "BORING!!" on anything that's not an action-type movie (lol) really liked it, so you may find it worthwhile. ;)

  8. I was looking at this post again, and went back to Google quoteséscripts from the movie. Here are the final lines, in voice over:

    Aurora: A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way. But we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life. Together.
