
Monday, June 5, 2017

#MicroblogMondays: 10,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire...

(Add this to my list of "annoying things"...!)  About five years ago, I started noticing that many of my T-shirts (& even a few of my sweaters) were developing tiny little holes -- always in the same spot (so I very much doubt it's moths), right in the front, near the bottom hem. Not just one brand of T-shirt, either: I have had holes in T-shirts from American Eagle, Old Navy, the Gap, Reitmans, Northern Reflections, Lucky Brand, H&M... I've come to the conclusion that they develop when the fabric rubs against the button on my jeans/shorts (some have suggested the seatbelt in the car is a possible culprit too). 

I'm sure it doesn't help that T-shirts these days seem to be made from the thinnest, flimsiest fabric possible. (I guess there's a reason why these T-shirts are so low priced (some as low as $10-12)... you get what you pay for...!!) (although I've paid a fair amount more for shirts that STILL get holes in them...!)  Until our move last year (when I did a thorough closet cleaning), I still had a couple of 10+-year-old T-shirts from the Gap and a few other stores, and there was a noticeable difference between the fabric they used then and what they're using now. :p  

It drives me nuts to see a hole emerge on a T-shirt that I've worn exactly once or twice and sometimes haven't even washed yet. :p  I don't mind wearing a hole-y T-shirt around the house, but out in public is a different story. :(   (Although I am still wearing some T-shirts with holes in them, just because I like the shirt so much & I hate to throw it out after just a few wears. I just cross my fingers & hope that it's not too noticeable. ;)  When I find a T-shirt that I really, really like, I've resorted to buying a second one as backup, so that I know I'll have it for a little longer. :p (Hmmm, maybe there's a method in the retailers' madness...) 

I did some Googling on this subject before I wrote this, and I know I'm not the only one out there with this issue. Have you noticed this too?? 

(And does anyone recognize where the title of this post comes from?? -- I thought it was timely this week, lol.)  ;)  
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMonday posts here


  1. This happens to me constantly the past 5 or so years. I swear this never happened when I was younger,though I'm sure I bought plenty of Old Navy T-shirts. I stopped buying t-shirts at Target because of this. My t-shirts from Land's End seem to hold up much better, though I admit they don't have much more than plain solid colors.

  2. The quote is from A Day in the Life by the Beatles.
    I too hate the T-shirt holes.

    1. You win! :) Fifty (!!gulp!!) years this past week since the release of "Sergeant Pepper." Both "Day in the Life" and "Fixing a Hole" were going through my head as I wrote this post. ;)

  3. This is also a problem in my household. I assumed it was the washing machine - but it has happened despite the fact that I've owned two different kinds of washing machines. I always assume it is similar to the missing socks/extra tupperware lids...natural household phenomenons that I will never understand. LOL.

  4. Interesting to note how the fabric had changed from the same company over the last 10 years or so... that's sad.

  5. I've never noticed these T-shirt holes but yes it must be rubbing on something... I hate how carrying a bag against fabric makes it 'bobble' and wear thin: this must be a similar effect. I agree not moths. Ugh I dread getting moths - horrendous to find your entire wardrobe chewed up: I suppose you'd have to replace the whole thing! I have a hard enough time finding clothes I want to wear in the crappy shops we have here; imagine having to replace the ones you've accumulated.

  6. I have old shirts from high school that I wear as pjs or around the house and no hole....even almost 20 years later. New shirts that I just bought less than a year ago, holes! Drives me nuts!! The holes come from rubbing on the button/edge of pants where the button is.

  7. Blargh! Yes! I thought it was from smoking, but I quit that years ago and it still happens. I think I get mine from rubbing against desks and counters.

  8. YES! I am sitting in a shirt that fits that description. A lot of my shirts have those holes. But here's the weird thing -- the same thing doesn't seem to happen to Josh. But it happens a lot to me.

  9. I get holes in my shirts too! But I love the soft, thinner fabric of t-shirts that are hole-prone. I notice they show up on my belly most often. Sadly my skin is so pale it sometimes looks like I have a white shirt on under, so I've been known to wear them anyway. Or make them pajama shirts. It's aggravating when it's a shirt I haven't worn often though...

  10. Yes I have noticed that recently and been wondering whether we have a moth problem I didn't know about or what! So strange. You're right that t-shirts seem to be made from much thinner fabric than they used to.

  11. This started happening to me about five years ago as well, it was after I had children when I noticed. I could not figure out what was causing the holes and filled my closet with cedar blocks and lavender, thinking it was moths. Despite all the intervention it still happened!! Anyway, it's definitely the jean button. I found a company online that claims to solve the problem so I am hopeful but will see when I can test it out for myself!!
