
Monday, August 17, 2020


A couple of housekeeping matters about the blog:  
  • Something I've been meaning to do for a while now:  I've added a couple of pages, right under the blog header and above the most recent post.  "About me" is a longer version of my Blogger profile that appears on the right-hand side of the page near the top. "Timeline" is a more-or-less chronological listing of the highlights of the past 35 years, including our marriage, one & only pregnancy, stillbirth, ttc and what's happened since then. I have ideas for a couple more pages that I may eventually add, but I thought these were the ones I should start with...! Let me know what you think! (I think you should be able to comment directly on those pages -- or you can leave me a comment here!)  :)   
  • I've gone through the resource links & blogrolls in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page (as I occasionally do)... some of the resource links no longer worked & so I've deleted those. I like to keep inactive blogs in my blogrolls, just in case the writer ever decides to post again (and I have had the unexpected pleasure of seeing a new post pop up from a once-familiar name, now & then) -- but if the link is clearly dead (or appears to have been co-opted by another user), I've deleted it. 
  • On & off, I've been consolidating some duplicate labels and added a few new ones. I wasn't as conscientious about labelling things in the early years of this blog, and one of these days, I plan to go through my entire blog & do some (re)labelling (as well as fixing any typos I see along the way -- which I do anyway as I notice them...!).  
ETA:  I've now added another page, "Elsewhere," with links to other sites where I've been a guest bloggers/contributor or been interviewed about my experiences.  


  1. I have label consolidation/relabelling on my blog to-do list too. Mind you, it's been on my list for a few years now! The longer I leave it, the bigger the task becomes.

    And yes, I keep blogs on my blogroll to see when there's a new post too.

    I really like your new pages.

  2. I've been following along for a long time, but seeing your Timeline really helped me to understand why The Nephews have always been so important to you <3.

    Good job on the blog maintenance! I'm due for some too.

  3. Ditto to what Lori said...the timeline really gave great insight into your posts!!
