
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current"):  

Reading:  Between books right now. (Spending too much time online vs reading books lately..!. :p ) 
Most recent purchases: "Tribe" by Sebastian Junger;  "The Reason You Walk" by Wab Kinew,  "The Alice Network" by Kate Quinn and "The House by the Lake" by Thomas Harding.  

Watching:  On TV:  
Finished watching "Genius" (about Albert Einstein) on the National Geographic channel, and "The Handmaid's Tale" on Bravo Canada. Since getting Netflix recently, we've watched season one of "The Crown" and all seven episodes of "The Keepers."  Trying to decide what to watch next. :) 

A news show that's become one of my favourites in recent months is "Reliable Sources" with Brian Stelter on CNN on Sunday mornings. As a journalist/communicator & a news junkie since childhood, I love the in-depth analysis of news coverage and media issues. (ALI note: Brian & his wife Jamie recently became parents of a baby girl via IVF, after several losses.)  

At the movies, we went to see "Despicable Me 3" this past weekend (yep, dh & me and a theatre full of parents & small children...!).  It was just mildly amusing for the most part -- the Minions play a much smaller role than they have in previous DM movies -- but the scenes they are in are still pretty funny...!   

Eating & Drinking:  Trying to be careful, after some rumblings from my gallbladder again over the past few weeks...! :(   Hoping things won't flare up while we're away later this week. :(  

Following: The adventures of Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund (and his brother Oakley) on Facebook & Instagram, since Oldest Nephew & his wife got their own miniature doxie last year. Some hilarious videos. :)  

Also, construction work has picked up again on the townhouse site behind us, after a lull over the past 2-3 months. They have yet to pour a foundation or frame a single wall, but there has been progress made on the fence that will border the property and separate the townhouses from the homes behind them. 

Listening: To dh snoring as he naps on the couch. ;)  

Wearing:  Capris, sandals & wonderful summer tops -- no jackets required!! AT LAST!!  

Buying (besides books, lol):  A lot of summer clothes & sandals. More than I need, probably -- but I find it next to impossible to walk out of Old Navy without a bag in my hand...  :p  ;)  

Planning:  A little getaway for our upcoming wedding anniversary later this week :) as well as our trip to see my family later this month.

Monitoring: The weather. The current forecast is calling for rain both days we're away, after sunshine the rest of the week. Figures...! 

Wondering:  Why do I always forget to put on sunscreen the first few times we spend any length of time outdoors during the summer??!  I have fair skin and always get burned. :p  (Happened again at a recent family gathering...! :p ) 

Feeling:  Like the summer is already going by way too fast :(  -- but looking forward to the rest of it! :) 


  1. Enjoy your anniversary trip!

    We make a point of never going to a kid's movie during the weekend. In fact, a week or so ago we went to the movie theatre to see Wonder Woman (on your recommendation) and it was a Mothers and Babies session (apparently the initials SPD - spit the dummy - indicated that, but I said, "how were we supposed to know?") when they don't dim the lights, so we turned around and went home!

    I always have sunscreen with me in the summer, in my handbag AND in my car. The spray-on stuff is great, because it can go on easily, it's colourless, and I don't even have to rub it in. Our sun is particularly fierce (hole in the ozone layer affects us - thanks, Rest of the World) that I'm aware of it even on cloudy days.

    1. I wasn't keen to go on opening weekend, but dh really wanted to see a movie & that was the only one we were remotely interested in... there actually weren't a lot of people there, thankfully -- but the people that were there were all parents with small children, of course! It was an early Sunday afternoon showing & it was a long weekend -- I figured it would either be packed, or not that busy, and it wasn't.
