
Friday, December 22, 2017

Twas the Friday before Christmas...

I know, it's been a while (or at least it seems that way)... let's just say I've been busy, time on the laptop has been limited, and my writing mojo has been seriously lacking. On the other hand, it's a good kind of busy. We are here at my parents' house in the Land of White Christmas (Practically) Guaranteed, where today's temps are -10C, windchill -16C, and it's about to get even colder over the next few days. (Forecast for Christmas Day:  a high of -24C and an overnight low of -32C.)  Parents' Neighbours' Daughter and the Little Princesses have been in school this week, so we haven't seen too much of them (yet), but that all should change after today. ;)  My sister is here and we've been helping our parents get ready... trying, anyway. ;)  Both the trees are decorated, most of the gifts are wrapped, and there are butter tarts, one kind of shortbread (with a second kind possibly in the works) and a pumpkin pie in the freezer. There have been arguments and a lot of eye rolls -- but a lot of laughs too. (And a lot of great eating. ;)  )   My parents (78 & almost 77) are definitely slowing down... but they are here, and I am so thankful for that. 

I will be back post-Christmas with some year-end posts (if not before then). Whether or not you're celebrating, I hope the next few weeks bring you peace & joy. :)  


  1. Sounds heavenly. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas

  2. Sounds awesome, even with the arguments and eye-rolls. Mmmm, butter tarts.. We are now looking at a very white Christmas, which is beautiful and peaceful and perfect. Merry Christmas to you!

  3. I agree with the others: this sounds great! Enjoy the winter wonderland (we don't have snow here) and the time with your family! Happy holidays!

  4. It all sounds lovely. I'm sure it was (and still is). I'm only catching up on blogs now, as the couple of days before Christmas was a whirlwind of preparations and photoshoots!

    I can't even imagine what -24C or -32C even feel like.

    And yes, I'm glad you have your parents, and can spend this time with them. They're still quite young (comparatively)!
