
Monday, January 1, 2018

Blogging year in review & favourite posts of 2017

(A hat tip to Mali, whose post "2016: Looking back on the blog" inspired me to do the same last year.  Also to Mel, whose Crème de la Crème lists from 2007 to 2012 prompted me & other bloggers to review our posts from the year past & pick out our favourites to share.  (There was a list in 2006 too, but that was before I started my blog.)  If the Crème de la Crème list still existed, one of these posts would probably be the one I would have submitted. :) )

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As I mentioned in my 2017 year in review post, I published 138 posts last year. In addition to posts about childless/free issues, I tried to do a "Right now" or "The Current" post every month or so, and participated in 44 #MicroblogMondays.  I reviewed all of the 17 books I read in 2017, and wrote about news items (usually ALI-related) that piqued my interest.  I also wrote a lot about what was going on my life, some of which touched on aspects of ALI/childless/free living and some that didn't, including aging, (peri)menopause (and Aunt Flo's continuing appearances!), retirement and life in a condo. 

Here are a few of my favourite 2017 posts:  

And in a nod to my 10th (!) blogoversary: 


  1. First, thanks for reminding me to do this! lol I'm going to go back and write one now.

    I love the opportunity to check if I missed any posts, and just read you again.

  2. I’m so impressed you do this. I’m not that organized and miss Mel’s Creme de la Creme list as it got me thinking.

    Your “what helped and what didn’t post” was very useful information that I’ve been passing on to others. Also your “It takes a village” post.
