
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current"):

Reading:  I'm on a bit of an, ummm, current affairs kick at the moment, lol.  Currently reading "A Higher Loyalty" by James Comey. To date, I've finished 7 books (out of my Goodreads 2018 Reading Challenge goal of 24 books).  

Other books in the TBR pile: "Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Empire,"  by David Frum;  Russian Roulette by Michael Isikoff and David Corn; "How Democracies Die: What History Reveals About Our Futureby Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt; and "Devil's Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency" by Joshua Green. (Did I leave any out? Do we sense a theme here??) 

Recent purchases: Chasing Hillary by Amy Chozick. 

On a lighter note (lol): my D.E. Stevenson author fan group recently moved from an increasingly unreliable Yahoo Groups (grrrr....) to (so far, so good... we were even able to transfer 20 (!) years' worth of past posts, photos & files over!), and will be starting a new novel discussion shortly. Yay! :) 

Watching:  "The Handmaid's Tale," season 2 on Bravo (it's back!!). (New episodes are released on Hulu on Wednesdays, but we don't get Hulu so we have to wait to see them until Sundays here.)  OMG, terrifying... but so, so well done... 

I also have a backlog of PVRd episodes of "Designated Survivor" to get through before this week's new episode on Wednesday.

On the big screen: Haven't been to a movie in the theatre lately, but hope to remedy that soon...!  We both want to see "The Avengers: Infinity War," but agreed that opening weekend (this past weekend) was probably NOT the time to do it...! 

Listening:  Catching up on listening to/watching some of the presentations I missed from last week's We Are Worthy Summit.  Some excellent speakers & topics! -- check them out, if you haven't already.   

Following:  The Stanley Cup (hockey) playoffs!  I don't normally watch a lot of hockey -- mostly just at playoff time, and generally only if one of "my" teams is in it. And my beloved Winnipeg Jets made it to round 2 and are currently playing against the Nashville Predators. They are the only Canadian team left in the playoffs. Both teams have won one game each so far in this series (best of 7). Go Jets go!! :)  :)  :)
Drinking/Eating:  Went out with BIL & SIL recently for Greek food... I'd been craving chicken souvlaki for a while. And the restaurant did not disappoint. Yum! 

Wearing:  My Winnipeg Jets T-shirt :) on game days this week. (I also have a team jersey, albeit with the old "classic" logo on it, which I bought a few years before the team's return to Winnipeg.)  I recently switched from wearing long-sleeved T-shirts & sweatshirts around the  house to shorter sleeves, and from wearing slippers AND socks on my feet to just socks. (And even, some mornings, just bare feet.) Progress?? 

Buying (besides books, lol):  Recent purchases: Denim shorts from Old Navy & sleeveless summer blouses from H&M.  (Any bets on when I'll actually get to wear them??)

Trying:: Fava beans (with pasta). BIL cooked them for lunch for us one day recently. Dh grew up eating them and loves them... I've learned to like some of the bean/lentil dishes his family eats (not something I grew up with) -- but not this one, lol.  BIL wound up giving me a plate of plain pasta instead, with melted butter & parmesan cheese.  Much more to my tastes. ;)  

Wanting: That elusive full, decent night's sleep... :p  They are further apart & fewer these days...

Loving: Being able to have the balcony door open again, & let the fresh air into the condo! 

Feeling:  Stunned, to learn yesterday that (yet another) friend has been diagnosed with cancer, at a way-too-young age. :(  Her prognosis is not good, but she is determined to fight to the end. She's dealt with a lot of crap in her life already -- she's a fellow loss mom, for one thing -- and I am just so, so sad she has to deal with this too. :( 


  1. I just read "The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia". It won the National Book Award and I can see why. I was in middle school during that "glasnost" era in the USSR and don't really think I ever understood Russia very well. This was very enlightening and explains why Russians are so supportive of Putin. As an American, it's very important to know why we are having this Russian issue.I can't tell you how many conservative family members are now speaking positively of Russia,thanks to Fox news. Sadly, I doubt they will bother to read a 500 page book to gain more insight.

  2. I think I'd find all those current affairs books a bit depressing, given that so much of my reading is already current affairs!

    The Handmaid's Tale is depressing, but damn, it's good, I agree. We saw Avenger's yesterday morning - trick is to go when the kids are in school! It was ok, but I'm a bit over all these superhero movies.

    I grew up eating broad beans (I think these are fava beans), and never liked them. Properly cooked though, they're okay. I'd love that pasta recipe. (I'm trying to eat more beans and lentils). Yum, at the Greek food. It must be lunch-time - you're making me hungry!

    I'm wearing socks today, but haven't got into slippers yet. It's getting colder, but not winter temps yet. Note to self: Buy some decent slippers.

    I'm so sorry about your friend. It's another reminder to live our lives as much as we can now, I guess.
