
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current")

Reading:  "Mrs. Tim of the Regiment" (also known as "Mrs. Tim Christie"), the first in a series of four "Mrs. Tim" books, and the latest read for my D.E. Stevenson online book group. Year-to-date, I've finished 14 books (out of my Goodreads 2018 Reading Challenge goal of 24 books)(this will be #15). 

Recent purchases: 
Watching:  Not much on TV, since season 2 of The Handmaid's Tale ended....! Time to get reacquainted with my Netflix subscription... We haven't been to a movie on the big screen recently either. I am thinking "Christopher Robin," coming out this weekend (appropriately!) might be a good pick if I'm in a weepy mood. (Katie's nursery was going to be Classic Pooh themed.) 

Listening:  I will admit to indulging in some vintage Bay City Rollers songs via YouTube since Alan Longmuir's untimely death last month. ;)  

Following:  Construction has begun on the last several townhouse units behind us (basements poured, framing ready to begin). None of the 59 units is yet anywhere close to being finished. I'm thinking some MIGHT be ready to move in by later this fall... It's been noisy & dirty, and it's taken WAY longer than I think any of us had anticipated -- but I have to admit, it's been kind of entertaining too...!  (Should you like to be my neighbour, you'd better have a fat wallet -- I've seen resale units on for anywhere from $900,000+ to $1.2 million (they were advertised at "from the low $600,000s" when we moved in two years ago). For a TOWNHOUSE. About 15 feet wide.  On a handkerchief-sized lot.)

Drinking/Eating:  Not as well as I should lately. :p  More veggies needed, I think (and it's prime time for them right now, too -- although the local farmers' market is held at an inconvenient time for us -- Saturday mornings, 9-1. Even though we're not working anymore, I still think of Saturday morning as a time to laze leisurely around the house/condo in my PJs. The market in our old community was held 10-2 on Tuesdays, which was much more better).

Wearing:  A couple of gorgeous new bracelets I just HAD to treat myself to... one silver, one made of moonstones & one denim blue lapis lazuli stones. Handcrafted by a friend of Msfitzita's. Gorgeous stuff, excellent customer service. Check it out here!  (I don't wear a lot of necklaces these days, but bracelets? The more the merrier, lol. ;) ) 

Trying:  To enjoy the summer while it lasts, even if we need to stay close to home because of FIL. 

Buying (besides books, lol):  Some new placemats, a new tablecloth & new teatowels for the kitchen (many of mine are years old, & worn thin). 

Wanting: A getaway. Soon. (But I'll likely have to wait for a while...)     

Loving:  My family.  

Anticipating/dreading:  The upcoming long weekend, and the 20th "anniversary" of our daughter's stillbirth. 

(Is it really awful to say I am secretly afraid that FIL will pass away on the same day -- not only piling more grief onto what is already the saddest day of the year for us, but overshadowing the already-too-small presence she has on this earth??) 

Feeling:  Grateful for summer (even when it get hot & humid). Sad that I'm not able to enjoy part of it with my parents (particularly since my mother tells me the mosquitos are practically non-existent there this year, lol).  Sad because of why I haven't been able to get there (FIL's failing health). Sad because FIL is not likely to be with us much longer. Sad thinking about my daughter, the 20 years (!!) she's been gone, and how different our lives would have been, if only...  


  1. First, it's not awful at all to express your fear. You explained it beautifully, heart-breakingly - Katie has an already-too-small presence on this earth. There's a world of difference too between a life not lived, and a life well-lived. I grieved for my parents, but in their end they died after good, long lives. My grief for the children I never had, the pregnancies I lost - that's different. I will keep Katie, and you both, very much in my thoughts this weekend. Hugs.

    Your "Feeling" section is such a good example of how we can feel grateful and sad at the same time. Feelings are complicated. I'm sorry that "Sad" is dominating right now.

    I've read the first of the Cormoran Strike books. It was pretty good. Fairly standard fare, but definitely will keep you interested. I think I heard there's a TV series based on them coming out. Maybe I should read the other two.

    I was going to do a "Right Now" again soon - you've reminded me once again! Yes, I'm an unashamed plagiarist. I'll give you some watching recommendations then.

  2. I enjoyed the Cormoran Strike books - I've read at least 2 (can't remember if I read the 3rd). It's not Harry Potter, but it's good reading nonetheless.

    I hope that your FIL does not choose any day associated with Katie to pass. I don't think it's awful to worry about it either.

    I'm so conflicted over the Christopher Robin movie, since Milne's son was so against the attention he received due to the books. I sort of feel like the whole plot to the movie is directly antagonistic towards how Christopher has avoided association with Pooh in his adult life. It seems very exploitative to me. But I love Pooh... :(
