
Monday, May 6, 2019

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends, and a blogging milestone

  • Current temp: 22C (72F)!!  I went to the supermarket in my shirtsleeves, and I probably could have worn my capris too. It is clouding over, though, & there is rain in the forecast, on & off, all week.  But... progress!!  :)  
  • New royal baby born this morning to Prince Harry & Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex! I am happy for them -- and sad for all the ALIers out there who will find this news painful. (And I love that they still put an official announcement out on an easel, just inside the gates of Buckingham Palace, lol.)  
  • I found another onesie at GapKids for my little great-niece or nephew-to-be on Saturday... grey, with the slogan "Little Wild Thing" on the front, lol.  :)  
  • I was startled when a fellow bereaved mom flagged an article on Facebook yesterday -- from CBC Saskatchewan -- about International Bereaved Mothers Day. I don't think I've ever seen an article about IBMD on mainstream media before. Maybe, once in a while, an article about how Voldemort Day* isn't easy for everyone. Progress? 
  • If you missed IBMD, Katy at Chasing Creation has launched a campaign encouraging bereaved moms to post photos on social media next Sunday (Voldemort Day) with the hashtag #BlueMothersDay . Details on her blog post here
    • According to this site I found about International Bereaved Mothers Day, its founder, CarlyMarie Dudley, "believed that Mother's Day should include all those who have experienced loss, as well as those who have been unable to conceive. The goal of the day is to change Mother's Day so that it includes those who feel left out of it. Dudley wants International Bereaved Mother's Day to be a temporary holiday, and for the hurting mothers to eventually become a part of Mother's Day."  Interesting! 
  • Dh & I went to see "Avengers: Endgame" on Sunday.  (And if you haven't seen the movie yet -- SPOILER ALERT!!) 
    • Overall, it was a MUCH more satisfying movie than "Infinity Wars," which I saw last year on Voldemort Day (and am STILL fuming about! -- made a crappy day even worse, as I wrote here) -- although not everyone survives this movie either. :(  There's a lot in this movie about grief & loss and trying to deal with it (or not -- some characters do it better than others). There was a lot that resonated. 
    • BUT (and here's the spoiler part -- although I'm not going to name names here) -- why is that the childless, infertile female character (one of the few major female characters throughout the entire Avengers movie series) is the "dispensable" one??  Yes, she nobly sacrifices herself to try to bring back everyone else's loved ones (and, specifically, to save someone who has family to think about). It was her choice. And yes, I probably would have made the same choice if I'd been in the same position. But still. :p  It made me sad. (And mad.)
    • I mentioned this to dh after we got home... he just shook his head and said, "You WOULD notice something like that."  Yes, I would!  ;)  
  • And last but not least -- this is post #1500 that I have published on this blog over the past 11 & 1/2 years!!  Yikes!!  
*  Voldemort Day = my personal nickame for That Painful Sunday in May Which Shall Not Be Named  :) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.


  1. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your 1500th post! i don't even want to think about Voldemort day. i can't. I hate that my favorite character whom you reference above had to die, even when the person she went with had spent 5 years killing people. I'm still not over her death.

  2. Wow, 1500 posts. Here's to the next 1500! Seriously, Congratulations! It's a fabulous accomplishment, and speaks to the power of blogging - it's not dead yet! (I'm referencing Mel's recent Memory Lane post a little).

    I'm off to read about Int'l Bereaved Mother's Day a bit more. It would be good to have Mother's Day a bit more inclusive, but I'm very sceptical about the likelihood of success.

    And yes to the movie commentary. Of course it is the woman who is expendable. And I am a little amused by your DH's comment. I'm glad you're owning it! We notice these things, because we're the only ones who do. Talk about privilege and the opposite of privilege. lol

  3. I was waiting to see what you thought of Endgame! That infuriated me as well- she spends five years picking up the pieces and trying to rebuild and yet she's disposable because her only family are the (more important) men who have to go and save the world. I know Marvel is trying and things are getting better but it just really reiterates how much they don't know about writing for and about women.

    There are a ton of good online articles about this (and contrasting the treatment of her death with that of the other)

  4. Wow, 1500 posts! Huge congratulations on that accomplishment!

    I would love to see celebrations become more inclusive of all women - I seriously have begun to wonder if a celebration more like International Women's Day would be a better idea and more broadly open to celebrating all the amazing things women do in the world, not just those exclusive to reproduction.

  5. Would that make you a sesquimillennial? THAT'S AMAZING! Big congrats to you for 1500 posts.

    I am happy for the royals. And I revisit my old wound, too. I love that you acknowledge both here.
