
Monday, May 13, 2019

#MicroblogMondays: Voldemort Day* recap

Well, it wasn't great (never is...!) but it wasn't as bad as it's sometimes been either.  ;)  My usual choice of activity is to spend the afternoon hiding out in a dark movie theatre ;)  and thank goodness there was a comedy playing that I thought might be fun, & that's been reasonably well reviewed:  "Long Shot" with Seth Rogen & Charlize Theron. Some of it was kind of raunchy, as Rogen's stuff often is -- but it was actually kind of cute overall, & they did have chemistry. I don't think I've seen Charlize Theron in a comedy before.

But first -- would you believe when we walked into the theatre, they were playing a clip montage as part of the pre-show:  movie scenes featuring (what else??) moms & kids (Shirley Maclaine & Debra Winger in "Terms of Endearment," Meryl Streep & Amanda Seyfried in "Mamma Mia," etc.).  "Happy Mother's Day from Cineplex."  I couldn't believe it. I go to the movies to hide out from this stuff!  :p

Earlier in the week, it was both nephews' wives birthdays (they were born on the exact same day, same year -- what are the odds, right?).  BIL & SIL invited us to come over for dinner (homemade pizza, including a tomato-free option for me!). The kids were there, and we had birthday cake to celebrate. The dog was deliriously happy to see us all. :)  Thankfully, they'd already exchanged Voldemort Day gifts before we arrived.  I wished the girls happy birthdays when we came in, & Oldest Nephew's pregnant wife started to say "Hap--" and then caught herself. :p  Oh well.  It was a good time overall... but I was exhausted by the time we got home. I can do these days/events -- but they (still) do take a toll! 

Hope you all survived too!

*  Voldemort Day = my personal nickname for That Painful Sunday in May (Just Passed) Which Shall Not Be Named  :) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. I'm glad you survived! Jeezum, the movie montage... Argh. That is a sneak attack you don't expect! I want to go see that movie, it looks highly entertaining, and I love that it seems to be a reversal of the "girl going for a guy out of her league" romantic comedy storyline. Sounds like a great way to spend the day that must not be named!

  2. There were moments I was stealing your title for the day, hehe.

    Bummer on the clip montage and the niece-in-law's near slip. I can see how Voldemort Day takes a toll!

    Now you have a 364-day break (til it comes around again in the US, anyway).

  3. I survived as well, my sister had a her baby on friday so the whole weekend was pretty much spent taking care of her, they both came home on Mother's Day which occupied my mind for a while. I'm from Dominican Republic so our Mother's Day is 5/26/19, can't wait for it to be over.
