
Monday, November 4, 2019

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends

  • No baby (great-nephew) yet. (Official due date: Nov. 15th.) Dh & I are already fielding calls & texts from extended family members about him, along with requests to be kept in the loop about his arrival...!  Trying to stay calm & positive and not let my Dead Baby Mama nerves get the best of me... 
  • Still feeling gutted for my high school friend over the death of her 28-year-old daughter after a car accident last week.  The funeral/celebration of life will be later this week. It's a little too far for me to attend, but I'm comforted knowing she will be surrounded by many members of her large extended family as well as friends. I will be there in spirit. 
  • I am waaayyyy behind on my blog reading & commenting, but wanted to share this piece about Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month... soooooooo true!! 
  • The sky is clearing and the sun is shining right now. November is sooooooo much easier to endure when the sun shines!  :)  
  • I wish I could think of something more original than an odds & ends post for #MM...! (But it's better than nothing, lol.) 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. For a number of reasons, I haven't even written a #MM post this week. It's the first week I've missed for non-health/family crisis/travel reasons in years! So you did way better than I did. I'm off to read that article. Yay for sunny Novembers.

  2. PS. The post you shared - it's fabulous.

  3. So, so very sorry about your friend's daughter - that is incredibly hard and sad. Will keep both you and her in my thoughts.

    It is tough with pregnancies/babies when you know the other side of things - I know I tend to count the weeks in terms of viability/how premature if born and then still worry that something will go wrong when people around me are expecting. Here's hoping that everything goes incredibly routinely and well for your nephew/niece-in-law and for steady nerves for you.

    Off to read the piece about Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month (you always have such well-curated pieces to recommend!).

  4. Holding space for your friend. Such heaviness...

    Eager to hear your family news as Nov 15 gets closer. Wishing you well soothing those nerves, xo.
