
Thursday, April 2, 2020

"Quarantined without kids, how is it?" (Seriously??!)

I've actually seen several people post this one on social media recently :p
(including a couple of new moms).
(I'm chalking it up to new mom lack of sleep... at least, I hope there's a logical excuse...!)
A few people on a CNBC forum I'm on also saw it...
as you might imagine, there were a few... *cough* ... INTERESTING (unprintable!! lol) responses!!
Seriously -- many of us CNBCers are feeling even more isolated than usual from our families & friends
and anxious about how our loved ones (especially our parents) are coping.
I worry every time dh leaves our cozy condo to get some supplies at the supermarket (even if it is just once a week or so).
What would I do without him??
(I try not to think about it.)
Some childless women don't have partners & live alone.
They are feeling especially isolated and vulnerable right now.
We wonder, if anything happened to us, would anyone truly miss us?
It's nice to have people reach out, check in, and know that you're thinking of us right now.
we're also feeling a bit overwhelmed by the increase in online activity
and by all the requests for us to participate in chat groups and Zoom calls, etc.
(which, we know, will inevitably become focused on kid and family-related matters)
(and we wonder, where were you been in the months before all this unfolded??
Are you *really* interested in how *we're* doing -- or
are you just hoping for a listening ear
& somewhere you can dump all your own frustrations & anxieties right now?)
THINK about it:
Is there ANYTHING "relaxing" about living through a global pandemic for ANYONE,
with or without kids?? 
(Thank you for attending my TEDTalk, lol.) 


  1. OMG, what a question. There is nothing relaxing about pandemy situation. Questions like this really show how little does outside world understand childless people.

  2. Ugh, why are memes like this even a thing?! This is a terrible situation across the board and childless people definitely do not have it any better. Thanks for calling out this out for what it is - untrue and awful.
