
Monday, June 29, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: COVID hair, begone!!

Last Friday was the long-awaited day!!  SEVENTEEN (17)(!!!) weeks after our last haircuts on Feb. 28th (!), and one week after hair salons were allowed to reopen locally, we were back in our regular stylist's chair to (FINALLY!)  get rid of our "COVID hair"!

Before:  taken the morning of our hair appointment, before showering.
I posted this on social media, and a few friends said they rather liked the look of my longer hair! 
It actually doesn't look that bad in this photo...
but LIVING with it hanging in my eyes & face was another matter entirely...! 

Taken (by dh) after I washed my hair & combed it straight down.
You can see how long it had become! 
(I didn't use any styling products before my appointment either.) 

SO much better!!! 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here 


  1. Yay! Longer hair in summer (when you're not used to it) is also annoying and sticky, so I can just see the relief on your face in that last photo. Whereas I need to cut my hair, but it's so cold I don't want to expose my ears to the elements! lol

    1. My stylist generally doesn't cut it QUITE so short in the wintertime! lol

      I hadn't worn my hair short-short since I was a little girl... when I came to graduate/journalism school in southern Ontario in the early 1980s, it was down to my shoulders. But although we certainly had hot weather where I grew up, the humidity here was not something I was used to. My hair is very thick & heavy and takes forever to dry. I kept looking longingly at a classmate's lovely short haircut & finally asked her where she'd had it done. I booked an appointment & I've had short(er) hair since then.

  2. Ahhhhh, haircut! I have mine on Wednesday. It's funny how your hair can hang amazingly well one day and drive you batty on others... Mine's pretty much been in a ponytail or bun for a few weeks. You look so happy with your new haircut! Yay to no more hair in the face! :)

    1. Hope you like your cut as much as I like mine! lol

  3. Aww - looks great either way! But longer would require more styling, and I am definitely opposed to that sort of work.

    1. Thank you! And yes! re: longer hair being more work. I used to spend a lot of time drying & curling my hair when it was longer. I still have a blow dryer & curling iron, but I rarely use either one (maybe the dryer in the winter when it's very cold and I need to head outside before my hair has dried!). I'm used to just running some mousse through my hair, & combing/fluffing it into place, and that's it. I was using extra-strength mousse and sometimes styling wax too, just to try to keep it out of my eyes. Some days it worked better than others...!

  4. How strange that the small things have become luxuries. Looks great!
