
Friday, August 7, 2020


22 years ago today...


  1. Sending hugs, to you and your lovely DH. Arohanui. (With love).

  2. Thinking of you and your husband and sending all my love your way <3

  3. So many hugs.

    I love that you're still close enough to visit Katie and bring little beautiful things for her. And I still think of her every time I see anything classic Pooh. ❤

  4. Sending you so much love on Katie's Day, no less because it's belated. What a beautiful photo that says so much in one image.

  5. Thanks so much, everyone! <3

    Manapan, the Classic Pooh comment got me teary! <3 We used to go every weekend when we lived closer, these days we tend to tie our visits to haircut or medical appointments (both our hair stylist & family dr are still there, we love them both & haven't tried to find anyone closer yet!), so generally every 6 weeks or so. It's about a 30-40 minute drive straight to the cemetery, depending on traffic & the route we take.

    Jess, you reminded me, I should have mentioned the hand in the photo is dh's (although you might have guessed that).

  6. Catching up a few days late, but I'm glad you were able to commemorate Katie's day.

  7. I saw one of your posts elsewhere that day, and I was sending you special loving thoughts about Katie.
