
Monday, August 3, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: Annoying things & small pleasures

Annoying things: 
  • Dark, gloomy & rainy outside yesterday & today (after a long spell of heat & humidity).  
  • The rain in southern Ontario never seems to "clear the air" of heat & humidity, as it usually did on the Prairies when I was growing up. :(  
  • Realizing that my Kobo e-reader is (gulp) almost full. I know I can remove & (re)add books as needed/wanted, but it's still annoying. 
  • Watching hockey. In August!! The men in my life are thrilled that pro sports are back (hockey, basketball, baseball and soon football -- all at once!)... I could care less even at the best of times (lol), but there are already games being cancelled because of athletes testing positive for COVID-19. Why are they even trying to have a season right now?? 
  • Pro athletes getting tested frequently (& getting prompt results), while others can't. 
  • Long, bushy "mountain man" beards. I think they are SO unattractive (not to mention germ magnets, in the age of COVID...!). 
  • Not being able to think up anything more original for a #MM post. :p  ;) 
Small pleasures: 
  • A semi-decent night's sleep (for a change...!). 
  • Celebrating Younger Nephew's birthday on the weekend, and seeing & holding Little Great-Nephew while we were there. 
  • Looking forward to getting haircuts (yes it's time for trims, again!) later this week. 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. How lovely to get to spend time with nephews and great-nephews. AND get some sleep. And being able to get haircuts.

    I agree with you on the beards. And ugh, rain SHOULD be refreshing. (I remember my July spent in Rome - the rain saved us several times from the oppressive heat and humidity!) Though I admit I quite like the occasional dark and gloomy day - a good day to read. Or sleep! lol

  2. Oooh, trims, nephew/great-nephew time, and good night's sleep! Excellent. Feeling you on the gloomy rain, although I do love a good storm. I do NOT enjoy the tornado warning we had a few days ago. Seems we keep getting weird more severe weather lately. I don't know about you up there, but we are supposed to have gloriously cooler weather starting tomorrow. Wednesday looks sunny too, and cooler, like a sneak peek at fall. HA! Bryce totally had the mountain man beard for a while and just trimmed it closer. I thought it was funny, but after a while it felt a little...much. :) A little...Walt Whitman-y. And yeah, sports and the privilege wrapped up in that. Seems some people can get star treatment with testing and results. Harrumph.

  3. Oh, trims! That sounds wonderful. So does spending time with your nephews and great-nephew, as well as some good sleep. All such good things.

    Totally hear you on the dark weather and the heat/humidity. It really does feel so often like the storms don't clear the stickiness. Agree entirely with you about the pro sports leagues trying to have a season - it's just not safe (plus the frequent tests).

  4. Sleep...glorious sleep...congrats on that AND a hair trim!

    I'm freaking out about sports now, too, as my menfolk are also tuning in. It feels out of synch for me, the hockey playoffs. I hadn't figured out why until you pointed out the season is usually over by now.

    With you on mountain man beards.
