
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Midweek odds & ends

  • We had a rude awakening on Monday morning: another fire alarm at around 4:45 a.m. (eyeroll) -- the first in quite a while, thankfully. (Why is it these things always happen late, late at night or early, early in the morning? Never at, say 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. or 9 p.m....)  Three trucks arrived to check things out & we got the all-clear to return to our units about 45 minutes later. Early as it was, I was actually grateful that it was 4:45 a.m. and not an even more ungodly hour, like 3 a.m., and that, while it WAS a tad chilly outside (about 15C, I think?), it wasn't the middle of winter. I went out in my shirt sleeves (before realizing that maybe a sweater or jacket might have been a good idea...), but it wasn't too bad. Also, as someone said, "At least the sprinklers didn't go off this time...!" (which has happened in the past, causing a lot of damage to some units, although thankfully not ours!).  We got to chat with some of the neighbours (some wearing masks, some not -- we did remember to grab ours before we left our unit, and put them on before we went down the stairs), & laugh at all the dogs, barking at each other. There was even a couple with a brand new baby, all bundled up in blankets. 
    • In the city of Toronto proper, masks are now required in the common areas/public spaces of all condo buildings. No such rules hereabouts (yet?), although signs have appeared beside all the elevators recommending that masks be worn, and a lot of residents are now doing so. 
  • It's so weird (/annoying?) to see so many photos on social media of friends & relatives, travelling (to other cities/locations within the province, but still), at the beach, at pool parties and on restaurant patios with friends, celebrating birthdays with multiple other families. Taking group photos, arms around each other, heads close together. Part of me is envious that they can be that carefree (& that they have such active social lives and so many friends...!).  Part of me, of course, is thinking, "WTF? Hello, pandemic??"  Meanwhile, dh & I (still) sit in our condo, venturing out only occasionally to BIL's house or to the bookstore or gelato shop (at times when the stores are less busy, wearing masks & using hand sanitizer liberally, washing our hands thoroughly when we get home...), and that's an adventure these days for us. 
    • People have posted memes that allude to being the diligent ones stuck doing the group project at school while everyone else fools around (& shares in the A without having done any of the work). As someone who often got stuck in that role at school, it does feel like deja vu. I can't help but feeling like a sucker sometimes. 
    • And yet I KNOW that were I to venture out to a party or restaurant, etc., *I* would surely be that one person who wound up getting the virus. (It's the same guilt complex & fear of being the one who would surely get caught that kept me from smoking pot at university, lol.)(Definitely not the lack of opportunities...!)  
    • We're actually considering a quick trip to the mall soon. We haven't set foot in one since pre-COVID times (late February/early March). The only reason(s) I want to go are (1) I'm overdue to have my anniversary ring inspected by the jewelry store to maintain the warranty, and (b) my watch needs a new battery, and there's a kiosk there that replaces them on the spot. (I have another watch that's running, but it's huge and heavy... I much prefer my usual everyday one.) 
    • Cases in my home province (Manitoba), which have been relatively low all, have suddenly shot up. And school hasn't even started yet...!  My sister has brought my parents masks & lectured them to USE THEM. I feel like any chances I had of spending Christmas with my family are slipping further and further away... :( 
  • Speaking of social media, a cute Great-Nephew story, from an Instagram post by his dad (Older Nephew). The caption reads: "Whenever [Great-Nephew] starts getting fussy the Beatles calm him down."  Great-Nephew (who turned 9 months old on Monday) is standing in front of the TV, one pudgy little hand grasping the edge of the TV stand, the other reaching up to touch the screen, as the Beatles (circa 1968) loom large above him, singing "Hey Jude." George, John and Ringo appear in closeups, but it's mostly Paul, playing the piano and singing and looking straight at the viewer. Great-Nephew is mesmerized, swaying a little to the music. (He's not walking yet, but he can pull himself up on furniture in a flash!) Eventually, Great-Nephew turns and looks at his dad, soother/pacifier in his mouth, & just before the video cuts off, Older Nephew asks. "Do you like the Beatles?"  Just way too cute. Totally made my day. :)  I'm not sure I can claim any credit, as I'm pretty sure Older Nephew was already a Beatles fan before I turned over my vinyl collection to him -- but I had this very satisfied feeling of "My work here is done,"  lol.  "Well done, Daddy!"  I wrote in the comments. ;) 
  • My "Rilla of Ingleside" Readathon Facebook group -- which has morphed into a readathon of "Jane of Lantern Hill," by the same author (Lucy Maud Montgomery) -- has decided to keep going and change its name to the more generic Lucy Maud Montgomery Readathon. And our next selection (starting soon) will be (another) one of my Montgomery favourites -- "The Blue Castle"!! A lot of other LMM fans also point to "The Blue Castle" as their favourite among her novels (sorry, Anne of Green Gables...!)  In fact, "Rilla," "Jane" and "The Blue Castle" would probably be my top 3 LMM reads (just don't ask me to rank them...!), so needless to say, it's been a great couple of months for me as a longtime (practically lifelong) Montgomery fan. :)  You are welcome to join us

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of The Blue Castle. I will need to hunt it up. How is it that my to-read list always gets longer after reading your blog, Loribeth? lol

    Yes to all your thoughts about the pandemic. Like you, I don't feel confident that I wouldn't get it, and get it bad! We just went to a mall, where we are advised to keep socially distanced (2 metres). I was doing it - my husband wasn't. Sure, there have been no cases in Wellington recently, but the outbreak in Auckland should make us all aware of the possibility that it is lurking nearby. I do look at all the photos from friends and family in the US or UK, and feel amazed at the risks they are taking.

    Very cute story about Great-Nephew. My newest great-nephew arrived last week (in Australia) - but I have no idea when I'll get to meet him. My sister, the grandmother, is most unhappy she can't be there.
