
Monday, October 5, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: I'm falling apart, and other odds & ends

  • State of the uterus:  More spotting (more like faint staining) on Saturday night & Sunday. Cramping overnight Saturday/Sunday and all through the day Sunday. Still spotting a bit today, but feeling better. 
  • I felt like I was coming down with a cold on Saturday too... thankfully, I'm feeling better now. I want to keep my ultrasound appointment on Thursday, and I can't do that if I'm not feeling well.  
  • Also in the category of "I'm falling apart":  I lost the nail on the little toe of my left foot last week. (Has this ever happened to you??) I had just gotten into bed & I could feel the nail snagging on the sheets. I thought maybe it had chipped, but when I turned on the light to check, the entire nail was coming loose and had almost completely detached. I tugged at it, but it hurt and started to bleed a little, so I just put some polysporin on it, covered it with a bandage and went back to bed. Good thing I did, because apparently you are NOT supposed to just rip it off!  
    • I had a dim memory of stubbing my toe several weeks earlier (I recall saying to dh, "I wonder if I broke it??") and then forgetting about it after the initial pain subsided -- although I did notice that the nail had turned black at one point, which was kind of disconcerting...! 
    • I kept dabbing the area with rubbing alcohol &/or polysporin, and covering it with a bandaid, until the nail finally came off a few days ago (after about a week). 
  • We caved and turned the heat on, Saturday morning. Fall is definitely here! 
  • December will mark 10 years since the loss of Brooke's first daughter, Eliza. She and her family have come up with a unique way to honour Eliza's memory, and they're inviting us all to participate. Check out her post about this very worthwhile project and think about supporting it! 
    • (Those of us outside the U.S.:  our credit cards apparently do not work on this website :p  but you can call or email the store with your order and pay via PayPal.) 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. Oh MAN about your toe. I'm glad you had the presence of mind not to rip it off.

    Good luck tomorrow (I think it's tomorrow).

  2. Oh jeez, insult to injury with the toe! I have a toenail that splits down the middle and half either falls off or has to be cut because it snags on everything. But it's center Halloween off completely, ow!

    I'm glad you're feeling better so you can go to your appointment. Grrr staining, grrrrr.

    I'm still holding out on the heat, shivering all the way!

  3. I am cringing at the thought of the pain if you'd ripped the nail off. Glad it has removed itself rather more naturally.

    And yes, I know the "I'm falling apart" feeling! lol

  4. Just wanted to say I've been very quiet here, but sending good quiet thoughts ... <3

    Heat's on here, too. I love fall, and am trying to enjoy it while I can ...
