
Monday, October 12, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: Thanksgiving turkey for two

Today is Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving) and a statutory holiday hereabouts. As I mentioned in a previous post, we knew we were on our own this year because of COVID-19, and -- unlike some previous years when we've not been invited anywhere & just wound up eating whatever -- I wanted to try to make it at least a little special & festive (not to mention use the opportunity as a dress rehearsal for Christmas, since it's pretty likely we'll be here and on our own for that holiday too...).  

We decided that an entire turkey for just two people was a little much (especially for two neophytes in that department -- although I have helped my mom with the Christmas turkey for many years) -- plus, we're lazy, lol -- so we decided on a turkey breast. When we got to the supermarket on Thursday, we couldn't find an actual breast, at least not one like I saw in my Google research. They had fresh turkey cutlets, but I wasn't sure that was what we wanted. Then dh found the freezer case with frozen Butterball boneless turkey breast roasts. They had ones with both white & dark meat and one that came with stuffing in the middle, but we settled on a plain old white meat one. 

We decided to have our Thanksgiving dinner last night.  And you know what? It wasn't bad. It wasn't Mom's (but then, what is, right??), but the turkey breast roast turned out quite moist, and there was a ton left over for another dinner and some sandwiches.  There weren't enough pan drippings for real gravy, so we bought a packet of gravy mix (& probably could have used two -- note to self for Christmas, lol).  We made a box of Stovetop Stuffing, some mashed potatos and peas, and had a bottle of wine. And an apple pie (warmed up) with ice cream for dessert later. I used my crystal wine glasses (dh balked at using the wedding china, since it couldn't go in the dishwasher, lol) and put a season-appropriate cloth on the table. It wasn't bad for a first effort (after 35 years of marriage!! lol), and it was nice to feel like we were doing something special for US.  As I said in my previous post, "COVID has deprived me of a lot of things this year -- but I refuse to let it deprive me of turkey, lol."

Overall, 2020 has sucked. (And it's still not over yet...!)  But there's still a lot we can be grateful for. 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here 


  1. I am so glad you did this. I love this statement - "COVID has deprived me of a lot of things this year -- but I refuse to let it deprive me of turkey, lol." I think we will feel the same at Christmas. (Though I'm thinking about pavlova, rather than turkey.)

    Next time, use the wedding china!

    1. I wound up handwashing the wine glasses anyway... what's a couple of plates on top of that, right??

  2. Your Thanksgiving meal looks delicious! A good meal is a good meal, no matter how many or few you can share it with at the time. You inspire me for my Thanksgiving meal next month. <3

  3. That looks absolutely yummy. I'm so glad you and your DH celebrated together no matter what else is going on. Excellent first effort (and many mooooooore...)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    So that's where all those turkeys are! (I was looking for one this weekend, because it was my daughter's birthday and she requested that particular kind of turkey. None of the stores had them!)
