
Monday, November 16, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: Housekeeping/Subscribing

I recently had someone ask me how she could subscribe by email to my blog. This is embarrassing to admit, but I've had this blog for 13 years & while I have seen the "subscribe" button on a lot of other blogs, I had no idea how to add this feature to mine!  I poked around the settings & the "Help" listings for a while & I think I finally figured it out... there is now a "subscribe by email" button in the right-hand column. Anyone want to give it a try & tell me if/how it works?? 

I've always had a "followers" feature on my blog (currently 149 -- I've moved it further up on the page, with the subscribe by email button just below it) and I gather you can follow blogs through your Blogger account that way, although I've never done it myself. 

Personally, I've always followed blogs with a blog reader... first with the dearly departed Google Reader and, since its demise in 2013, with Bloglovin... which hasn't always been reliable, so I've opened a Feedly account (which I know is popular with many of you) and added some of my blogs there, just in case...!  (Most of the blogs that are in the blogrolls on the right-hand side of this page are also in my blog reader, and vice versa -- backup for each other.)  I do have a few blogs that come to me through my email, too. I have to admit, I think most of those subscriptions were unintentional -- pressing the wrong button, lol -- although I've still kept them, as a backup way to make sure I don't miss any of my favourite bloggers' posts!  (What can I say, I'm a writer, not a techie!)  

How do you follow the blogs that you read? 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. OK, I've signed up, and it has confirmed it will send me notifications when you post new content. So far so good.

    "No new content, no emails!" it said. lol So do you want to post something as a test, then when I've confirmed I get the notification, you can delete it?

    And I'm not consistent. I use my blog rolls (on both my blogs) as my main way to follow my favourite blogs. But there are quite a few favourites that aren't on those. Every so often I check into Feedly, but there is so much there it can be overwhelming, and so I forget to do it consistently. And I email subscribe to a few non-ALI blogs that don't post that regularly. Oh, and the Stirrup Queen's Microblog Monday list. So blogs fall through the cracks, which I don't like, but it happens.

    1. I actually did post a new post after this one -- a book review. :) Let me know if you get a notification for it!

    2. Yes, I've had notifications for all your new posts!

  2. I am thoroughly reliant on Feedly. It's how I get you and all my other ALI blog updates.

    I, too, miss Google Reader. I call those days the Front Porch Days, when we used to meander to each other's front porches to check in, say hi, support, love on.

    I recently let go a domain I used to use (writemindopenheart). I'm not sure if people who subscribed to me that way will still be notifications.

    I should add that sometimes I *do* find posts to read from your sidebar and others'. So thanks for that!
