
Monday, November 9, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: Relief!

  • I was just getting out of the shower late Saturday morning when dh yelled to me from the living room that CNN had just called the U.S. election. (OF COURSE they would, the moment I leave the TV set, after HOURS & DAYS of being glued to it...!!) You've never seen me dry off & jump into my clothes so fast, lol.  I got to the TV set just in time to see Van Jones breaking down in tears, which got ME crying too. 
  • More kleenex was required shortly after that when CNN political correspondent Abby Phillip reminded viewers that the U.S. will -- FINALLY! -- have a vice-president who is not only a woman but a woman of colour. 
    • I kept thinking that I wished Geraldine Ferraro had lived to see this moment. 36 YEARS LATER!!  
    • Of course Kamala Harris is also a hero to childless/free women because she's never had children -- although she became a stepmom to her husband's two teenaged kids when they got married six years ago -- thus allowing her to talk about being "Momala" and placate those who find a completely childless/free woman unacceptable to vote for...! (eye roll) 
    • Canadians also love to claim her as one of our own (sort of), because she spent her teen years in Montreal, where she graduated from high school, and where her mom was a well-respected breast cancer researcher. 
  • It was a very loooonnnnngggggg (& sleepless!) week! -- yes, even on the other side of the border...!  The sense of relief is palpable... 
  • Amid all the joyful posts from my very relieved friends on social media (from all around the world), one of my MAGA relatives in the U.S. posted snarkily on Facebook, "Just so y'all know, the media doesn't declare the president." I promptly snoozed her for 30 days. (I'd already unfollowed her Instagram stories because she'd been posting a lot of political crap there, including some borderline QAnon stuff.)  I'm sure the next few months will bring challenges -- I don't expect the Orange One to slink out of the White House quietly -- but this was a day to celebrate! -- no negativity needed. ;)  
  • The weather was mostly sunny and the temperature soared to 21C (70F) -- pretty rare for November!  We had the balcony door open for most of the day, with the fresh air & sunshine streaming in. 
  • There was a lovely sunset. I took photos from my balcony.  
  • And, as the sun was setting at the end of a near-perfect day, someone started setting off fireworks nearby -- I could see them above the treetops beyond the townhouses behind our building. We often do get random fireworks displays for no evident reason (= not on the holidays when you'd expect to see them) -- but I like to think these were a celebration of the choice made by our neighbours to the south. ;) 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here 


  1. I discovered the Montreal connection this weekend when I researched Kamala Harris's parents. Very cool! And I was thinking about so many in our ALI community about the child-free aspect, too. Such a momentous time in history! Glad you put clothes on for it ;-) lol.

    1. I had to! -- our living room window doesn't have any curtains!! lol
      (Granted, we're four floors up, and the townhouses behind us are some distance away -- but still...!) ;)

  2. Yesss! I am so excited and the relief and the tears were lovely. Tears for reason, for kindness, for coherent speech... I am trying to ride high on that and not be scared shitless anew with all this no transition/fraud BS. I snoozed some people and outright blocked and unfriended a person who had become a troll and just poison. I'm not for getting rid of people you disagree with, but this person was just an irredeemable a-hole. Oh well. Gorgeous sunset shots!

  3. What a perfect day! I woke up to find it had been called, and went immediately into Fbk to see reactions. It was full of joy!
